Last week, 2K Games announced that Civilization VI would receive 18 new leaders in a season pass called the Leader Pass. The first DLC collection of leaders to come to the simulation game arrived yesterday in the Great Negotiators Pack. These additions to Civ VI continue to prove why so many love the game. With each leader, your approach to conquering the world changes, and the newest additions seem like a lot of fun to try out. Here’s a breakdown of who is arriving in the game first.

Abraham Lincoln is leading the DLC pack off and the Preserver of the Union is all about progress and relationships. His ability, Emancipation Proclamation, has different impacts based on your version of the game:

  • Base game -Industrial Zones and their buildings give +2 Amenities but your Plantations give -1 Amenities.
  • Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs – Industrial Zones give +3 Loyalty per turn but your Plantations give -2 Loyalty.
  • Base game – Receive a free Melee unit after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.
  • Rise and Fall & Gathering Storm DLCs – Receive a free Melee unit and an Amenity after constructing Industrial Zones and their buildings. The free unit does not require resources when created or to maintain and receives +5 Combat Strength.

Queen Mbande Nzinga of the Kongo also arrives in this pack with a new ability, Queen of Matamba and Ndongo:

  • +5 Combat Strength against Civilizations whose capital is on a different continent.
  • Trade Routes to receive +20% Yields with Civilizations whose home continents are the same as yours, but -15% to Trade Routes to other Civilizations.

Lastly, Sultan Saladin of Arabia is a great option to test out for religion-driven campaigns. If you’re on the Sultan’s religious side, then all is well. If not, expect a war from his new ability, The Victorious Military:

  • +100% Flanking and Support Bonus to all Combat and Religious units.

Through March 2023, 2K Games will continue to add five more DLC packs for Civilization VI. The first is out now for Windows PC via Steam and Epic, macOS via Steam and the Mac App Store, and iOS via the App Store.

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