Warning: The trailer at the end of the article contains graphic depictions of blood.
The Shining is regarded as one of the greatest horror films ever made. It’s a cinematic classic and many even hold it as one of the greatest movies ever made. Despite my love of film, I’ve never actually seen this movie before outside of the famous clips. Horror is a genre that I have only recently come to enjoy and so this film has been on my watchlist for some time. With Halloween this week it’s the perfect time to discuss this film. Hopefully, I can add something new to the discussion surrounding a legendary piece of cinema.
The story of The Shining is based on the novel by Stephen King. The film was directed by the legendary Stanley Kubrick and stars Jack Nicholson and Shelly Duvall. Famously, King disliked this adaptation which I find quite interesting but having never read the book either I can’t say whether I agree with the opinion.
The basic premise is as follows. A part-time writer and school teacher named Jack Torrence takes on the role of caretaker for the Overlook Hotel. The hotel closes down for the winter due to the extreme Colorado weather, and it’s Jack’s job to make sure general upkeep is maintained until spring. His wife and son also move into the hotel to provide him with some company. However, Jack’s son Danny soon begins to have psychic premonitions upon entering which exposes the hotel’s horrible past.
My favorite thing about this film is easily the cinematography. Every shot is composed carefully, and the visuals are not only striking but grimly beautiful at times. I like how the natural landscape augments the themes of solitude. Scenic views of the Colorado mountainside, the infamous hedge maze, and extreme snow storms all create a sense that our characters are trapped despite having ample room to move around. The hotel itself is also clearly a prison disguised with gilded hallways, luxury suites, and gaudy décor.
Another aspect that certainly makes the film stand out is the soundtrack. Every track emphasizes the slow building of tension, culminating in an almost irritating crescendo that screams danger. Without music, scenes wouldn’t carry half of the unnerving tension that pervades throughout every interaction.
I would also like to praise the acting. I feel like a lot of reviews discuss Nicholson and his unhinged spiral into insanity. It is of course well done, but I was particularly impressed by Shelly Duvall. She portrays both the doting mother and fearful wife expertly. In fact, her fear becomes so tangible later in the story that it manages to seep its way into the viewer’s mind as well. Danny is also solid throughout which is surprising given this was one of the actor’s first roles.
My only real issues here came from my own misunderstandings and personal taste. There are a fair amount of scenes that run for just a bit too long, to the point that it almost becomes awkward. Clearly, this is an intentional choice to further emphasize tension and interpersonal drama, but personally, I would have appreciated a few more edits that would have only trimmed off a few minutes from the runtime.
Also, I was a little confused as to the true nature of the hotel and felt Jack’s initial outbursts of emotion relatively sudden at first. However, after thinking about it some more I realize the seeds of discontent had been previously indicated. I also like that the film leaves some room for interpretation and theory crafting. For example, I like to think the visions of ghostly figures are unintentional manifestations of Danny’s psychic power. As a result of his personal fears surrounding his father and his unusual abilities, Danny unwittingly taps into the traumatic past events which took place in the hotel.
Of course, that’s all just speculation on my part, but it’s this element that I feel has cemented this film as a cinematic classic. The best movies are always ones that invite discussion, foster debate, and inspire other storytellers for years to come. If by any chance, you are like me and have never previously had a chance to see this film in full then I highly encourage you to watch it this Halloween season. It’s a perfect film for those who want more than just mindless gore and shockingly disturbing visuals. A true “must-see” movie that never seeks to waste your time despite being quite lengthy.
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