It is clear from my reviews of books such as Sympathy for the Devil, Rose, and Human Nature, I enjoy reading tales in worlds so rich they transcend the medium they’re most popular for. Despite my well-storied history of kicking CD Projekt RED while it was down and even now as it climbs up to fix the cops in Cyberpunk 2077, I do like the dystopian world, as I’ve said this several times. The world and the atmosphere are one of the most impressive parts of the team’s work, let down by being pushed out the door as quickly as possible. Well, following the release of Edgerunners last month, it seems we’re getting more of this world.
Set to release on August 8th, 2023, Polish writer Rafel Kosik will expand the world with Cyberpunk 2077: No Coincidence published by Orbit Books. Orbit being a sci-fi and fantasy-focused subsidiary, this isn’t the first time a CD Projekt RED linked project is to be published by the company, as following the success of The Witcher series, the Sapkowski books were reprinted once again. Kosik may not be as obscure to those that are fans of Polish-written sci-fi, as he’s known best for the Felix, Net, I Nika series, with about 15 books in the series.
There isn’t really much to say right now about the book, of course, as it was just announced but we do have the typical description. “In sparkling Night City, a ragtag group of strangers have just pulled off a heist, robbing a convoy transporting a mysterious container belonging to Militech,” as is noted from the outset. It goes on to say that they are a group of different backgrounds, including a sleeper agent for Militech, a therapist, and so on, all of whom have to put aside differences to pull off the job. A job they were hired to do, but they don’t know exactly who their mysterious employer happens to be.
Releasing in paperback, ebook, hardcover, and audiobook, you’ll be able to get them (in order) for $17.99, $9.99, and $29, while there currently isn’t really a listed price for the audiobook. I will say that I am excited to see this world expand beyond the game from which it is all spawning (which itself spawned from Mike Pondsmith’s design), though I have to say that I need a more interesting description to pitch the idea of picking up Kosik’s newest project. Exciting for fans obviously, and I’m glad the world is getting that expansion.
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