Two weeks ago we saw a new patch released for Weird West. Patch 1.04 was the latest update to introduce new content and make changes the community has asked for, with the biggest additions being a new optional aiming system and a permadeath mode. While there are still more updates planned on their content roadmap, the development team has put out a substantial surprise to celebrate reaching six months since its launch.

Anyone can now play “The Bounty Hunter Journey” for free on Steam. “The Bounty Hunter Journey” is the first part that players go through and I can personally attest from my time previewing that specific part, and reviewing the finished game, itself that there is a lot you can do just within that character’s journey. An announcement page on Steam details that this is a permanent change and that anyone who decides to purchase the full game after playing will be able to seamlessly carry their save file over.

Considering that this weekend it will be on sale for 50% off through Epic Games Store, GoG, and Steam, this may be the best time so far to check it out. Something very important to remember is that “The Bounty Hunter Journey” is only being offered free on Steam. As of right now, that initial part is not being made free on other PC platforms or on consoles.

This isn’t the first instance of Weird West being “free” for some. It launched as a day one release for Xbox Game Pass subscribers, for both Xbox One users and PC users through PC Game Pass. Although this change doesn’t directly affect anyone who has already played, this does seem like a good opportunity for those who have been on the fence about trying it.

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Samuel Moreno

Samuel (he/him) has been obsessed with video games since he was a kid watching bumbling zombies shuffle down a hallway in Resident Evil 20+ years ago (it's debatable if he should have seen a mature-rated game at that age but he's personally okay with it). His hobby of writing and talking people's ears off about video games has always felt like a perfect match. Feel free to let him talk your ear off on Twitter!:

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