I’m really starting to think Blizzard Entertainment should call a competent plumber, perhaps even a team of them, to help plug all these leaks they’ve recently sprung. Just within the last month, Blizzard has seen their planned release date for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic prematurely released. That would probably be less troubling for them if it were just an isolated incident, but if you’ve been following news about their games for the past year or so, you know it isn’t. Now there’s been yet another leak, this time concerning possible release dates for multiple upcoming games.
This leak, which was once again spotted and publicized by Wowhead, purportedly features planned release dates for Overwatch 2’s player-versus-player modes, World of Warcraft: Dragonflight’s pre-expansion update and subsequent full launch, and a pre-purchase date for Diablo IV. This information was contained entirely in an image of a seemingly internal Blizzard document that Wowhead says has been circulating online to some extent. I’ve included that image below if you’d like to have a look at it for yourself.
I should clarify that the dates listed in that image are still wholly unconfirmed at the time of writing. Given Blizzard’s tendency to confirm leaked information about their games a few days after the fact, though, that may have changed within a week of this article’s publication for all I know. Something tells me they may not do that with this leak particularly as it contains dates for so many big-name games, but only time will tell.
In terms of details, there are a couple that catch my eye, as you might expect. For one thing, the image in question claims that WoW: Dragonflight’s pre-patch will go live on Tuesday, October 25th, 2022. As far as I know, not much (if anything) has been announced as of yet about what that patch will contain, but rest assured I’m keeping an eye out for any such information that may surface soon. The leaks then claim that the expansion itself will launch on Monday, November 28th, which will bring players to the Dragon Isles and introduce the Isles’ inhabitants.
Personally, I’m conflicted about what I make of these leaks. I’m honestly not sure that World of Warcraft: Dragonflight has had enough development time to justify a November release, but perhaps it’ll get delayed shortly before then like Shadowlands did. I’m saving my thoughts on that for a potential editorial, though. What are your thoughts on this potential treasure trove of Blizzard’s release dates, reader? Do feel free to sound off in the comments if you’re so inclined!
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