Avatar: The Last Airbender was my absolute favorite show growing up. However, I always felt the video game adaptations failed to capture the magic of the TV series. Nonetheless, I always pay attention whenever a new game gets announced. I was excited this week to hear that Square Enix would be developing a new RPG for the franchise. Not only that but the game is slated to launch in select territories later this month.
This all seemed a little too good to be true, and upon digging into this a little more I discovered that this game is exclusively mobile for now and will only be available outside of the U.S at launch. These are certainly some odd decisions from a business perspective. The Avatar franchise is hugely successful in America and with a great developer like Square Enix behind it, there is so much potential for greatness beyond a free-to-play mobile game.
Despite these factors, I remain hopeful that the game could have potential. Dubbed Avatar: Generations, the game will allow players to travel through the respective journeys of various Avatars recruiting bands of beloved characters and competing in squad-based tactical battles. In addition to the classic characters from both the original series and the 2012 sequel series, The Legend of Korra, the game will also be exploring other Avatars. The developers have confirmed later expansions will focus on Avatars such as Roku and Kyoshi who were only briefly explored in the animated series. The game is also stated to have an open world and will include new stories that will hopefully expand the universe.
These are certainly some exciting features and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a least a little bit interested. The recent success of games such as Genshin Impact has certainly shown that mobile games can still deliver a solid gameplay experience. Hopefully, if the game does well it will eventually come to PC and consoles as I feel this will only enhance the player base and ensure continued support. Avatar Generations will be available later this month on IOS and Android devices in Canada, Denmark, South Africa, and Sweden with worldwide launch in the following months.
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