It’s been nearly a year since Aliens: Fireteam Elite launched. Since it was released, the game has further been supported with paid cosmetic DLC alongside free content updates such as new features, kits (character classes), and weapons. The season 2 update in particular brought some big changes with an entirely new game mode. This update also included crossplay between Xbox and Windows Store players as the game launched through the Xbox Game Pass service.

We’ve now come upon the fourth season and final update from the developer’s year one roadmap. It might be an understatement to say that the game is ending its first year with a bang. The biggest addition in the update is an expansion on what crossplay it had before. Full crossplay has been added so that those on Steam, PlayStation, and Xbox can all come together and play through each of the game’s modes. Players can either group up with their friends or pair with others through quick play.

A multitude of other features have also been added. With this season having the subtitle “Prestige”, it should come as no surprise that a Prestige ranking system has been added. Once players have reached the level 20 cap, they can begin working towards ranking up and unlocking cosmetic rewards.

To make the grind a bit easier, the fabrication reprocessor has been added. This feature can take in three unwanted challenge cards and fabricate a new one in exchange. Challenge cards are also no longer limited in use to the campaign mode and can be played in all game modes, making the fabrication reprocessor a lot more useful.

Fans of facing unrelenting waves of enemies will want to check out the Restock Turrets mode. It’s a new horde mode that has preset turrets to help you. The problem is that they need to be restocked with ammo and there is only so much to go around, forcing players to prioritize which areas will need turret support and when.

Rounding out the new content are new cosmetics, nine new challenge cards, and thirteen new attachments which can be unlocked by playing Restock Turrets. Four new guns have also been added to the armory. It all makes for a pretty substantial update to end its first year. Players won’t have to wait very long for the next drop of content though as “Pathogen“, a paid expansion DLC, will be coming on August 30th.

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Samuel Moreno

Samuel (he/him) has been obsessed with video games since he was a kid watching bumbling zombies shuffle down a hallway in Resident Evil 20+ years ago (it's debatable if he should have seen a mature-rated game at that age but he's personally okay with it). His hobby of writing and talking people's ears off about video games has always felt like a perfect match. Feel free to let him talk your ear off on Twitter!:

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