I love RPGs, but the recent trend of Boss-Rush-focused RPGs from the past few years has mostly passed me by. I advocate a lot for accessibility, and a lot of the Boss-Rush-focused genre misses some benchmarks for accessibility that block a lot of players (including myself) from enjoying them. Now, it seems developer Zeth and publisher Assemble Entertainment are tackling this issue head-on with a cute new RPG focused on killing bosses and crafting better gear.
Bound by Blades is an absolutely adorable new RPG coming in Q4 2022 for Steam, and 2023 for Nintendo Switch and mobile devices. Here is what the press release has to say about the premise of the game!
“Bound by Blades is a boss-rush-style RPG with an emphasis on challenging combat and crafting. Embark on a journey through the magical world of Ashmyr, a once thriving land now left desolate and teeming with Ilcyon, bloodthirsty enemies scattered across the globe. Defeat formidable bosses, meet imaginative NPCs, and learn the lore behind Ashmyr’s mysterious downfall in this charming yet challenging game!”
This made me a little concerned at first since it seemed like a lot of other Boss-Rush RPGs. However, the press release discusses this idea further, with a glimpse of an intriguing concept.
“Bound by Blades follows the core gameplay of slaying bosses, harvesting their remains, and leveling/crafting gear. While not being as hardcore as the genre kings, Bound by Blades offers a fun and more casual approach to players who are looking to experience boss-rush gameplay.
Created by solo developer Zeth, the title is a passion project aimed at giving players a more accessible entry into boss-centered RPGs. Told through an enchanting digital-sketchbook art style, follow the young Bound through their journey in Ashmyr to learn about the beginnings of the vile Ilcyon and other mysterious entities.”
Considering the game is being developed for Switch, PC, and mobile devices, I can see the developers having a lot of opportunities to imbed accessibility options. Some things they have already decided to include are co-op for 2 players, intuitive controls for all skill levels, and the ability to swap between main characters. These have their own unique playstyle and gear, so there should be a lot of flexibility for players.
There is still a bit of time before Bound by Blades releases. Hopefully, we’ll get a better idea of what to expect as time goes on. Either way, I like the vibe that the game is offering, and I know a few people who will probably be really excited for a more casual take on this idea.
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