It seems Blizzard Entertainment has yet to learn two important things about the Internet: it’s always watching and it never forgets. Early in the afternoon on July 21st, 2022, the venerable World of Warcraft fansite Wowhead spotted and reported upon something I suspect Blizzard would rather they hadn’t. That something was an image that apparently confirmed the planned release date for Wrath of the Lich King Classic as Monday, September 26th, 2022.

If you’re keeping score at home, you might remember that this isn’t the first time Blizzard has unintentionally revealed the release date for something prominent. Something quite similar happened last year when a Reddit user’s launcher inadvertently publicized Blizzard’s planned release date for The Burning Crusade Classic. Blizzard then confirmed that rumor three days later, which they may or may not do again now that Wrath Classic’s release date might have been let out of the bag as well.

For what it’s worth, I’m starting to wonder if leaks like this are truly accidental since they’ve happened at least twice now that I know of. I don’t think it’s entirely out of the realm of possibility that Blizzard is just making the leaks look unintentional as a way of drumming up hype for whatever the current leak pertains to, be it a World of Warcraft Classic expansion or something else. Then again, I suppose it’s equally possible that whoever is in charge of promoting everything Blizzard has planned has just majorly screwed up more than once by revealing release dates.

In any case, what do you make of this rumor, dear reader? Are you excited to see whether Wrath of the Lich King Classic will indeed release in September? Are you more excited for Dragonflight’s release instead? Either way, if you’re looking for something to do in “retail” World of Warcraft until Wrath Classic launches, it may interest you to know that the Winds of Wisdom experience buff has returned until August 2nd, 2022! I know I’m certainly taking advantage of that.

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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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