It’s been a strong few years for the revival of the beat-em-up genre. Streets of Rage got a long-awaited fourth entry, the previously-lost Scott Pilgrim beat-em-up got an anticipated re-release, and we’re now getting a sequel to the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles beat-em-ups from three decades ago developed by Konami. Now in the publishing hands of Dotemu, who handled Streets of Rage 4 to a great finish, the developer Tribute Games has created the nostalgic sequel. How does it end up so far removed from its predecessors?

I’ll always fondly remember many things about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade cabinet. Whether it was falling into a pothole and hearing “Hey, who turned out the lights?!” or fighting baddies while skating through a sewer, it was a testament to Konami’s awesome beat-em-ups in the 90s. Thankfully, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge captures the nostalgia of these glory years succinctly and it translates into an absolute blast of a time that never relents in its 16 levels.

From the stylized intro before the title screen with a catchy song to the sharp pixel design, the attention to detail in TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is beyond succinct. More than just a button-masher, there are several techniques you’ll actually need to master. You’ll have to learn moves like a launcher, a divekick, a frame-perfect roll, a risky taunt, and more. The skill ceiling for the title is high, but it pays off to learn everything the game has to offer to ensure you can take on some wicked bosses and waves of nasty ninjas.

TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge supports up to six players, and the screen gets positively chaotic once there are at least four. Luckily, the game plays like a dream, and its online connection was quite strong compared to Dotemu’s Streets of Rage 4. In my playthrough, I joined up with someone from start to finish and while there was a very slight delay, there was virtually no lag even when multiple others joined us. The game was extremely enjoyable with others, with cooperation feeling natural and never forced. One mechanic saw us clapping hands to regain a bit of health, a la Kirby, encouraging working together and being patient within the fast-paced levels.

While TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge is a rip-roaring ride from the get-go, there are just a few frustration points to deal with. There’s only one sound bite for the taunt, which you’ll need to perform to earn a special attack. This means you’ll likely hear it dozens upon dozens of times. In addition, once the game’s done, I can’t find much reason to play it again unless I had new friends to play it with. While leveling up adds more health and special attack potential, the only reward for winning is unlocking the awesome Casey Jones.

TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge certainly has a target audience, and those fans are going to have an amazing time with it. As a Day One Game Pass title, it’s a no-brainer for anyone with that service. It is also a must-play for TMNT fans and those that had a great time with the old titles. If you’re going it solo or feel like you’d only play it once, it may be worth skipping. For everyone else, TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge comes highly recommended.

A PlayStation 4 review copy of TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge was provided by Dotemu for this review.

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TMNT: Shredder's Revenge





  • High Fun Factor
  • Deep Mechanics
  • Returning Voice Actors
  • Unreal Soundtrack


  • Not as Fun Solo
  • Low Replayability
  • Annoyingly Reused Sound Bites

Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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