Monday, the Future Games Show happened again, meanwhile, Bethesda ended the Xbox conference with No Man’s Sky 2: Fallout Edition. Tuesday, Capcom did horror and fighting, as I demanded that the PC Gaming Show dies. Wednesday, the Wholesome Direct reminded us that not everything is space horror and grey. Thursday, you had to catch them all, catch them all, Digimon! Or whatever the theme song was, which is horrible advice for your health. Something tells me that with writing 16,000 words for this week (and all the showcases) it must have been not-E3.
I’ll try to keep this week’s Epic Games Store article short. All this week, you can pick up Supra Games’ Supraland, a first-person open-world puzzle adventure game that stakes claim to several inspirations, very little of which is overt. One would assume the biggest inspiration would be Zelda given the open nature of the gameplay. Meanwhile, the idea of a first-person platformer is the only bit of gameplay I could glean from Portal and the platforming also being Metroid‘s influence beyond maps. Mostly because that is de rigueur in gaming since Dark Souls did it.
You can pick up Supraland all this week on the Epic Games Store, with the offer ending on the morning of the 23rd. Moving on to next week’s offerings, it is a double bill to tell me I can’t have a hint of a break. First up we have A Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Digital Edition, which only in April got A Feast of Crows DLC a year after its A Dance With Dragons DLC was released. Not that it matters, because I hear the endgame is bad as a result of the woman I like winning, or something like that. The second game on offer is Car Mechanic Simulator 2018, and I don’t know enough about cars to make a joke here, so let’s leave it at that.
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