The Lego games have always been a total favorite of mine. The puzzles, the fun references, and the ability to play as fan-favorite characters have all appealed to me over the years. I’ve played (I think) every single Lego licensed game from the Marvel, DC, Indiana Jones, and Star Wars franchises. I’ve even managed to play Lego Jurassic World, and Lego The Incredibles. Now, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga brings the entire saga all under one galaxy, far, far away.

The Skywalker Saga allows you to make your way through the entire story, from Anakin’s beginnings to Rey’s final chapter. You play as characters such as Qui Gon Jinn, Yoda, Padme, Jar Jar Binks, and more. They’re all classified into one of 9 “classes” with their own capabilities. However, within those classes, certain characters can do things others can’t. For example, Obi-Wan speaks Wookiee, while Qui Gon does not. They’re both Jedi, but each has their own capabilities.

Instead of the movies being set up in a hub, with just a few levels, the galaxy is entirely open. Each planet the story takes you to has an entirely open environment. These environments are full of side quests, Kyber Bricks (the equivalent of Gold Bricks), and all sorts of collectibles. Common add-ons that once were provided by Red Bricks (such as Attract Studs) now show up on a skill tree.

Kyber Bricks let you purchase things on the skill tree, including RPG-esque upgrades like melee and ranged damage and vehicle damage for the space-battle segments in the game. Overall, this is the definitive way to explore the galaxy. In free play, you can play as any of the characters you have unlocked, and you’ll need to return to places you’ve already explored to unlock all the characters, ships, and Kyber bricks.

In terms of scale, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga is huge. There are so many secrets to find and so many fun things to do. The voice acting is well done too, and there are great set-piece moments, as well as great level designs. There are two main complaints I have with The Skywalker Saga though. The main one is the Camera.

The In-Game camera has moments of being entirely unmanageable. There were moments when I was trying to solve a puzzle and couldn’t highlight what I needed to because the camera wouldn’t cooperate. Add to that the fact that sometimes the force mechanics and targeting systems had camera-related issues, and it made a recipe for disaster.

There were several times when I had to leave an area to reset it so that I could restart a puzzle from scratch. That doesn’t even take into account the few side quests I ran into that were bugged outright. Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga isn’t a perfect game, especially not for a game that was delayed several times. Admittedly, some may be annoyed that there isn’t an online co-op as well.

However, if you love Star Wars, and/or you love the Lego games, then I think you’d be crazy not to check this one out. The accessibility options alone, which make all kinds of things easier for people of all levels of capability, make this game worth it. Whether you want bigger subtitles, have a hard time doing quick button taps, or need to remap your controls, Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has plenty of options for you.

On top of that, there is easily at least 50 hours or more of content in this game. I’d say if you really want to complete everything, then you may very well edge closer to 100 hours than 50. The puzzles are great, the levels are fun, the controls are smooth, and it makes for a great experience overall. If you are looking for a great game to play either solo or with friends and family, look no further than Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. Being able to take it with you on Switch is just an added bonus.

A Nintendo Switch review copy of Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga was provided by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment for this review.

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Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

$49.99 USD




  • Great Open Environments
  • Tons of Characters and Unlockables
  • Lots of Accessibility Options
  • Fun Exploration and Levels
  • Tons of Content


  • Bugged Quests
  • Wonky Camera
  • No Online Play

Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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