This month marks the 10th anniversary of Capcom’s Dragon’s Dogma. While the 2012 action RPG was considered a huge success in global sales, it did struggle a bit in the West and is considered more of a cult classic to fans from those markets. No matter how you view it though, it’s evident that Capcom hasn’t forgotten about the IP. Over the years we’ve seen re-releases of the game on new platforms and even a 2020 Netflix animated series. The latest example of the company’s interest is the debut of a 10th-anniversary website for the series.

Headling the website is a short video clip that highlights all of the global projects from the series as well as a history timeline that does the same. The one notable project missing was the Dragon’s Dogma Online MMORPG which was only released in Japan. Since it was never localized and shut down back in 2019, it’s not too strange to see it omitted.

Something that does seem like it would get fans buzzing is a message from the original game’s director, Hideaki Itsuno. “Dragon’s Dogma, first released in 2012, is celebrating its 10th anniversary! Thank you, Arisen, for taking up arms and braving through the impossible challenges laid ahead of you. We are forever grateful for your support throughout the years and hope you will join us in this momentous celebration of Dragon’s Dogma!

It’s always important to temper expectations as you never know how a developer may celebrate their series. That being said, many are expecting this all means that a new Dragon’s Dogma-related work will be announced and most fans would much prefer a new game to another animated series.

Considering that Hideaki Itsuno has repeatedly mentioned his desire to work on a sequel to the series, including that for the previous project he was torn between making Dragon’s Dogma 2 or Devil May Cry 5, the big expectation and hope are that we’ll see a proper sequel being announced soon. Throw in that he asked people to look forward to his next project in a new year’s tweet for 2022 and there’s good reason to speculate he could be working on something for the series.

What would arguably be the best time to reveal something would be soon as many E3-like series of conferences will be held in June. That’s not to say that Capcom doesn’t have plenty of currently known work to show more of. Street Fighter 6 is supposed to have more news come out during “the Summer”, Resident Evil Village is slated to have DLC released this year, and titles like Pragmata and Exoprimal are set for 2023. In terms of new content though, a potential Dragon’s Dogma 2 would be a wonderful way to celebrate the series and an exciting new announcement from Capcom.

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Samuel Moreno

Samuel (he/him) has been obsessed with video games since he was a kid watching bumbling zombies shuffle down a hallway in Resident Evil 20+ years ago (it's debatable if he should have seen a mature-rated game at that age but he's personally okay with it). His hobby of writing and talking people's ears off about video games has always felt like a perfect match. Feel free to let him talk your ear off on Twitter!:

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