Agent 007 eat your heart out. I bet he just wishes he could go to Two Point Campus. Okay, so he probably doesn’t care since he’s fictional, but I can dream, right? Anyhow, Two Point Studios just revealed another class in the upcoming school simulator. That’s right kids! We’re going to spy school.
Here is what the press release has to say about the new Spy course. “Don your trench coat and shades and grab your jetpack. Two Point Campus introduces its latest course reveal: Spy School! You’ll train your agents in the art of drone flying, target practice, and obstacle courses filled with crocodiles and lasers. Thankfully, no one’s taught the crocodiles to use lasers.
The catch? You’ll have to sniff out Two Point County’s enemies. Rival agents have figured out they can infiltrate campus by enrolling as students. Someone should really fix that. Watch out for suspicious classmates and expel them before they can uncover the county’s darkest secrets.”
On August 9th, you’ll be given a chance to explore the wild world of spycraft with your students. Will you be able to take down the rival agents? Who knows! One thing’s for certain though, Two Point Campus looks amazing. I loved my time with Two Point Hospital, and this presents an interesting question. Will the other courses give glimpses into Two Point County? Will there be a Two Point Nursing program?
There are a lot of questions, but August 9th is closer than it seems, considering we’re halfway through May already. From spies to wizards, Two Point Campus is shaping up to be quite the mix of students and course paths. Just for fun, I’m predicting a zookeeper course next. Maybe this will tease a Two Point Zoo in the future? Let’s see if my prediction is right on the money when they announce the next course.
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