If you’re one of the more consistent members of World of Warcraft Classic’s player base, you’re probably well aware that “vanilla” Classic and the emulated version of the game’s first expansion, The Burning Crusade, are separate clients within the Battle.net launcher. You might even know that if you’ve already got a (presumably) level 60 character in the original Classic of whom you’re particularly fond, you can clone them into the Burning Crusade client in exchange for a fifteen-dollar-per-character fee. This way, you can essentially have the best of both worlds.
Given the fact that Blizzard also recently announced that Wrath of the Lich King Classic is due to release sometime this year, you might reasonably find yourself wondering if they’ll separate “vanilla” Classic, The Burning Crusade Classic, and Wrath of the Lich King Classic into their own distinct game clients once the latter of that trio is out, as is the current precedent. If you’re hoping this will be the case, I’m afraid I have some bad news for you.
According to Massively OP, who reported on an interview conducted by Wowhead with two high-ranking WoW Classic developers, the separate Burning Crusade Classic client will become the Wrath of the Lich King Classic client once that new Classic iteration has been released. That is to say, although there currently exist servers exclusively intended for TBC Classic, this will cease to be the case once WotLK Classic launches.
There won’t be any dedicated TBC Classic servers after Wrath Classic is out for some time (if at all), it seems. Patrick Dawson, World of Warcraft’s Production Director, stated in that interview that Blizzard has no plans for so-called “Era Realms” for The Burning Crusade, at least not for a while after Wrath of the Lich King Classic’s launch.
Dawson noted that this doesn’t rule out the possibility that those expansion-specific “Era Realms” could be implemented in the future, however, so there may still be hope for those players wishing for an alteration to the planned course. If you’d like to read up on this and several other changes that Blizzard is considering or planning to make alongside Wrath of the Lich King Classic, here’s a link to the aforementioned Wowhead interview.
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1 Comment
May 26, 2022 - 4:09 amThe Burning Crusade Classic and Wrath of the Lich King Classic are separate servers again, and all the characters are replayable in Wrath of the Lich King Classic, which is really frustrating.