It’s not uncommon for publishers to be the foil to developers in the gaming industry. Consider how many great devs that EA has sent to the graveyard and there’s proof enough that fundamental gaming prowess can be ruined by greedy monetization, rough business practices, or anything in-between. Has the renowned publisher Square Enix succumbed to this fate in 2022? Let’s see the current state of affairs from this long-time fan favorite.

Square Enix’s big IP in 2022, helmed by legendary developers Platinum Games (responsible for Nier AutomataMetal Gear: Revengeance, etc.) has been regarded as nothing more than a cash-grab and an overly-monetized waste of time. There have been reports of the concurrent player count reaching a measly 8 players on Steam, a laughing stock for a AAA game with a full $59.99 price tag. The game is also winding up on sale, which is rare for a game in the first few months of release. The misfire in question boils down to the seemingly necessary always-online aspect that the gaming industry is so enamored with but doesn’t truly need.

Past the hiccup that Babylon’s Fall created for Square Enix, several reports indicate that Square Enix’s president, Yosuke Matsuda, is a fervent proponent of the blockchain and NFTs in gaming. This is, at least, a monumental risk and disregard to consumers. If the recent disinterest in NFTs didn’t signal that it was a bad idea, perhaps the feverish backlash in every comment section on the face of the internet should guide Matsuda away.

There’s no registered success in the implementation of NFTs in the gaming world as of yet, and it will take a serious miracle for it to take place in the near future. Nevertheless, what can make the most money for the gaming industry appears to be the main concern for the higher-ups. If the player count of 8 people is any indication, maybe what isn’t broken shouldn’t be fixed and we can get back to high-quality action games from Platinum Games published by the once-magical Square Enix.

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Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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