On March 17th, the world was given another glimpse into the world that Portkey Games has made for their upcoming game Hogwarts Legacy! While they introduced us to a lot, especially considering that the game is coming out in less than nine months, there is still a lot that we haven’t seen yet. Due to that, I have compiled a list of various things that I hope that we will see in the game. These things range from lore to gameplay and story options that were not discussed at all yet. These are things that are a staple for most Open World RPGs. Let’s dive in!
1: Historical Easter Eggs
One of the big things in the wizarding world is the newspapers that people read. Through these newspapers that have appeared in the books and films, we have often seen interesting events that connect to historical events of our world or have informed us of events that are happening throughout the wizarding world as a whole. My hope is that throughout the game we can find newspapers laying around Hogwarts and Hogsmeade that can give us clues as to various things happening outside of the game, as well as events that we may encounter as we explore the world.
2: Be able to Receive Mail
One of the most exciting things about living in Hogwarts seems to be getting mail from the Owl Post. Some of the most pivotal items to Harry Potter‘s own story were given to him in the mess hall, and my dream is that we can also retrieve mail from the outside Wizarding World. How this would happen is rather difficult to figure out considering that the origins and backstory of our character are very mysterious. This is especially the case considering that we are entering Hogwarts as a Fifth Year. The one way I could see it working is that we could receive mail from the people who we assist throughout the world that we can explore.
3: Being able to Play Quidditch
One of the key parts of the previous Harry Potter games has been the game of Quidditch. Being able to play and join the official Quidditch team of your house would be absolutely amazing! While we have seen plenty of Broom Flying, we have seen no signs of Quidditch. Looking at the Wiki for the Wizarding World, it is clear that the earliest form of Quidditch can be traced back to 1050, so it seems unlikely that we will not see Quidditch at all. Let’s just hope that we have the opportunity to interact with it and won’t be relegated to hearing about the Quidditch games in conversations that we pass by.
4: Earn House Points
House Points are another quintessential part of the Hogwarts experience that I hope we get to experience for ourselves. Having the joy of doing something to impress our classmates and professors while also earning House Points would be absolutely delightful. On top of that, it would be a great treat if at the end of the year we could have those points help our house win the House Cup, an event that is looked at as a sign of honor in any Hogwarts year. While we have yet to hear much about house points, it does appear that there will be ways in which we can get in trouble by doing things such as entering the Restricted Section.
5: An Alignment Bar
One of the ominous warnings that we were given in the most recent trailer was about how we have to be careful where we explore as some places could lead us down a dark path. This then brings up the question as to whether there will be an alignment bar that you can check to see if your character is going down a dark path. This can also help you see if you character is making strides to being the ray of hope that Hogwarts needs. My hope is that we will get something similar to the Knights of the Old Republic games where you could see a bar in the menu that shows your alignment and your appearance could change based on that alignment.
6: A Clean UI
One of the things that was not shown off on the most recent trailer that someone brought up to me recently was the fact that the UI for the game was not shown at all during the game. While this seems great for cinematic shots, it is something that will have to exist in some form. After all, players need to be able to have information about their health, stamina, and any other important pieces of information that we might need in order to survive and navigate around the world. Regardless of how they design it, I am glad to see that we will be able to get some cinematic shots for any fun videos content creators want to make in the future.
7: Character Romance
Now I know that everyone in the school is underage for some sort of Mass Effect style relationship, but it would be interesting to see some sort of age appropriate romantic relationship to form between you and some of the characters that you can go on adventures with. I could see something happening along the lines of Knights of the Old Republic series where at most what you have is some studying together and a kiss or two. This would definitely be a good feature, assuming that the game doesn’t allow you to do anything weird like getting into a love triangle.
8: Freeing Deek
One of the companions that we will meet along the adventure is a House Elf by the name of Deek. It is unknown if Deek is your personal House Elf or one for the Hogwarts Castle in general that takes a liking to you. Regardless, one of the things that I hope that we can do by the end of the story is free Deek by giving him some form of clothing. What consequences this could have would be interesting to explore since there are quite a few ways that the story could go depending on this decision and previous decisions that you make. Let’s just hope that if there are consequences, they are for the bad guys.
9: Being Able to Enter the Vivarium Cottage
This is honestly a very small thing, but is something that I would truly love to see. When we got a look at the Vivarium that will be accessible through the Room of Requirement, we were given a glimpse of a few things that we could build in there. One of those things was a cottage that was reminiscent of the Weasley’s House, but much smaller. This Cottage doesn’t appear to have too much, but the one thing that I didn’t see was the ability to enter the inside of it. If we could do that, I would be in absolute bliss considering that I love to build houses and house interiors. While I am not expecting there to be much customization, it would be nice to have that extra bit of quality to the Vivarium.
This is everything for my personal wish list for the game Hogwarts Legacy! There is a lot we still don’t know about Hogwarts Legacy, and there is plenty of information we still need. Either way, these are just a few things I had in mind that could be fun in the final game.
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