Just this weekend we saw the American finals for the ArcRevo 2021 tournament. The popular event that’s based around Arc System Works titles focused solely on Guilty Gear Strive this time around and featured plenty of fun high-level matches. As is customary, people were hoping for some big news to come at the end of the tournament. We certainly were treated to some huge announcements, but I’m not sure everyone was expecting this much.
First was news about the upcoming DNF Duel. Along with some teases of the female Mechanic character, the game’s release date was finally announced for June 28th, 2022. Some are a little surprised that the game wasn’t included in the EVO 2022 lineup, since this means it would release before the event, but I’m still of the opinion that some other games deserve some time in the spotlight.
Furthermore, Arc World Tour 2022 was announced. Not only will it feature Guilty Gear Strive as expected, but DNF Duel will also run in its circuits. It’s not EVO, but the game will surely still be noticed from Arc System Works’ effort alone.
On the Guilty Gear Strive side of things, it was announced that their team has begun development on the second season of DLC characters. There are going to be four characters, along with additional stages and colors. Perhaps most excitingly is that coming with this second season will be crossplay for all platforms it’s been released on (PlayStation consoles and PC)!
When it comes to the remaining content from the first season pass, a new story mode is coming out in late April that focuses on characters who weren’t prominently in the base game’s story mode, including Baiken. Before then though players can look forward to Testament, the fifth and final DLC character of the season pass. Both they, and the new White House Reborn stage, will be available on March 28th for season pass owners and March 31st for individual sale. If you’d like to watch the American finals of the ArcRevo 2021 tournament, it can be seen below. The qualifiers are also available on Arc System Works America’s YouTube channel.
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