Well, this was a surprise on Friday morning. It was finally announced that GTA V, a 9-year-old game, will finally release on the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S in March. Hopefully, this will finally add a stable and well-reasoned frame-rate on consoles to the PS3 game that could hardly stay above 28-frames per second. Though given recent work by the company and its outsourcing, it wouldn’t bet on that at launch. However, with the announcement came even more interesting news: The next GTA is in “active development” and “is well underway.”
Of course, with the Next Generation (the 9th generation of gaming) the focus is once again less on the story mode of GTA 5 and, as Rockstar demonstrated in the press release, will be instead be focusing on the Online content. You can still play through the story that I am sure you have done a few times already before downloading someone’s save on PC, but there isn’t much new this time around. Hopefully, there will be a greater field of view for the first-person maybe? We’ll find out March 15th when GTA V (or 5) lands on Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 5, with hopefully a more graceful landing than GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition did.
Though the reason you are here is clearly the GTA 6 news, so it might be a disappointment to know there is nothing to say about it. The press release states, “we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway. We look forward to sharing more as soon as we are ready, so please stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for official details.” It is a perfect display of the hype surrounding not only the series copied by almost everyone, but also enveloping Rockstar itself.
Of course, be excited, but the reaction to this announcement of such small proportions is breathtakingly stupid. I say this as a long-time fan, the fact a series that is Rockstar’s meal ticket is indeed in development shouldn’t surprise anyone. It is finally the confirmation that it is after countless rumors of Vice City 2 and other ideas of speculation surrounding the next release in the series. However, until we see some actual gameplay, have hands-on experiences, or have its full release, it is not ground shattering. Enjoy the next two years of rumor articles from faked screenshots from Reddit.
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