I think it is an understatement to say I (and my sci-fi-loving colleagues) are excited for the next short while of sci-fi. We’ve got The Orville Season 3 on the corner tempting us over, and also in early March, we’ve got Picard returning for another adventure. Well, not actually Picard, but that’s a whole kettle of spoiler fish to take care of later. Over the weekend, everyone’s least favorite streaming platform Paramount Plus sent out a trailer for the upcoming second season of Picard, and I am excited.

The only reason to have Paramount Plus is Star Trek, and with Lower DecksProdigy, and Picard, along with Discovery moving in a better direction and Strange New Worlds on the horizon, I’m not as upset about it as I would if we just had Discovery. Trying not to spoil too much, while also talking about this series which is entirely based on nostalgia is difficult, so of course, why are you here if you don’t want to know anything? Anyway, Q is back! As is Seven of Nine, the cast of the prior series that survived, a Borg Queen, oh, and Guinan.

There are details I am skipping over, those which YouTubers have scavenged through to find “11 things you missed in the Picard Season 2 trailer,” all of which will be caps-locked with the thumbnail featuring an arrow pointing to a piece of set dressing. Yeah, story-wise, Season 1 fell off of a cliff, but I can’t say I was disappointed on the nostalgia value. My hope is that with the chess pieces on the board now and the nostalgia still being part of the series, it can calm itself down and tell an interesting story well. The only thing dampening my spirit is the grand nature of which Guinan and others talk about stakes. I might be fatigued with Discovery and Flux trying that.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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