Monday, another violent Italian is coming to the Switch (Mario was already there), and I used the word acquisition more times this week than I have in my entire life. Tuesday, a pretty game was coming to the Switch, Steam will be holding a sale soonanother free-to-play game is happening, and you’ll be able to build early access sandcastles in the dunes. Wednesday, Microsoft put down a $70-billion deposit on legal hell (what’s next for Xbox?), and The Cuphead Show is coming to a shared Netflix password near you. Thursday, Acti-Blizz attempted to buy the literal journalists that cover them, and more games hit Game Pass.

Moving to the Epic Games StoreRelicta is free currently, and I can’t say I am enthusiastic about it. Clearly inspired by games such as Portal, you’ll first-person Puzzle solve your way through maze-like labyrinths of drastically distracting location changes throughout. Lost in a haze of what looks like the typical Unreal Engine 4 game with pretty distances but generic photo-realism, there is nothing in there that sparks joy at first sight. None of which is to say it is a bad game, just bland against the wall of other games available.

All this week, you can pick up Relicta on the Epic Games Store for free until the morning of January 27th. Moving on to what is available from the 27th onward, it is DAEMON X MACHINA. In DAEMON X MACHINA you play as a two-story-tall mech with large weapons strapped to your arms, all so you can fight massive-sized mechs you’d find bullying the Megazord from The Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers. Did I say I am already sold? Because I am!

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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