If you folks have been with us the past few years, you know that Phenixx Gaming does things a little differently when it comes to our Game of the Year article. We are a site built on diverse voices and opinions, so why should we narrow down our vote to a single game? We all want different things out of our gaming experiences, so here is Phenixx Gaming’s list of our staff picks for GOTY 2021.

Alexx – Road 96

I’ve played a lot of great games this year. The list initially was cut down to three games, and after a lot of hard thinking, I’ve narrowed it down to one. Road 96 is a game that stuck with me from the moment I fired it up on my PC and long after I stopped playing. With social commentary that has timely themes for the current state of the world, the narrative of Road 96 is both compelling and personal. The gameplay is unique, and with the number of endings and choices, the replay value is insanely good.

Lisa – Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town

My Game of the Year for 2021 is Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. My favorite games are always ones that make me think, do a little brain work, and laugh. The citizens of Olive Town are adorable and funny. Every one will make you giggle as you work to befriend them. Choose your favorite eligible bachelor or bachelorette to woo.

Clear your field, then plant and tend crops. Go mining, fishing, exploring, or raise adorable animals. I guarantee you’ll have a fun and relaxing time while being a busy bee (keeper). There’s so much to do, that strategizing and time management are a must. Do you go fishing or mining on a rare rainy day? That’s up to you, but better manage your time wisely. Those cows won’t milk themselves!

Keiran – Unpacking

Game of the Year was a toss-up for me, the majority of which consisted of indies and remasters, and it wasn’t decided until the final moments. I finally settled on two games, one I played at the start of the year and one at the end of the year. Unpacking beat out Loop Hero simply for a story that unintentionally made me crumble into tears.

Not a word is spoken until the final song, revealing some heartwarming and happy memories I didn’t live but thought of through that story, connecting me to characters I’ve never seen. To connect the emotionally dead homunculus that I am so closely with unseen characters through their objects: I find it breathtakingly beautiful.

David – Back 4 Blood

Over the course of the three years that I’ve publicly discussed my Game of the Year here on PG, this is the second consecutive occasion where I’ve started playing a game and almost immediately thought, “Oh yeah, this is definitely Game of the Year material!” This year, I bestow that honor upon Back 4 Blood. While some may write this title off as a simple Left 4 Dead wannabe, there is little doubt in my mind that anyone who actually spends a sufficient amount of time with this game will come to see it for the worthy spiritual successor that it is.

Mike – Before Your Eyes

My Game of the Year for 2021 is Before Your Eyes. In this game, your webcam is activated and you interact/move through the narrative every time you blink. It’s a rare case of a game introducing a mechanic that has never been utilized before, and an even rarer case where it uses the mechanic to its fullest potential. I almost considered needing to blink a downside, but that desperation to remain in a moment adds a layer of tension and challenge. Plus, it’s tough to keep your eyes open when the remarkable tale is enough to make you cry several times.

Aaron – Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

My pick for GOTY has to go towards Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. Despite all the issues that came with and even before the release of this expansion, I’ve been having an absolute blast. Without going into any detail to avoid spoilers, the story of Endwalker, even with a somewhat slow start, had me at the edge of my seat constantly.

There were a bunch of unexpected twists and turns within the story. It made me feel all of the emotions, sometimes even multiple of them at once. It’s an incredible feeling to see the characters I’m so invested in continue on their journey, this time taking them all the way to the moon. The writing of Endwalker is even better than the previous expansions, and even though I’m sad it’s already over, I can’t wait to see what the team behind this game has planned for the next expansions as well as the side-content planned in the somewhat near future.

Matthew – It Takes Two

My personal Game of the Year is It Takes Two. It is rare for me to find a game that absolutely blows me away. However, It Takes Two manages to do that by constantly changing up the gameplay while still being able to stick with a similar theme throughout all of the stages. The co-op way of playing the game only adds to the enjoyability as the ability to share this unique experience with a friend truly makes this game continue to stand out!

Samuel – Resident Evil: Village

If I’m going to pick a game of the year, it absolutely must go to Resident Evil Village. Although the previous game found great influence in its horror roots along with the iconic original game, Resident Evil Village evolved what was made before it while simultaneously taking influence from the equally iconic Resident Evil 4.

Fantastic visuals, entertaining characters, creative enemy designs, and a plot that kept me guessing and questioning until the end made this a game where I was always grinning with glee or anxiously screaming. This admittedly isn’t a game that breaks as much ground as the other ones mentioned. What it is, however, is an incredibly fun game that was obviously created with a lot of passion and love for the whole series. It gives me nothing but hope for the future of the series and genuine excitement for the DLC content that’s to come.

Marcus – Hitman 3

Out of all the puzzle games I played this year, Hitman 3 was one of the only ones that actively encouraged murder. If that doesn’t give it a clear leg-up, I don’t know what will. Besides the amazing level design and excellent scenarios one has the freedom to stumble into, the trial-and-error/experimentation-encouraged gameplay really felt fully realized in this iteration. Add on that you can even bring the previous two Hitman games into its engine (albeit in a complicated way), and Hitman 3 felt like one of the most fully realized gaming experiences of the year.

Christian – Persona 5 Strikers

God, I love that ragtag group of idiots. Although I only played one game of 2021, Persona 5 Strikers is a delightful little sequel to my personal favorite game of last decade, Persona 5 Royal. The combat is fluid and quick, while the story itself is a fun cross-country road trip with the Phantom Thieves.

Frankly, while it’s only my best by default, I recommend it to anyone. More an epilogue of a game than a true sequel, the aspect of Strikers I grew most to appreciate was the sheer enjoyment of getting a chance to hang out with the Phantom Thieves again, like seeing an old group of friends and falling back into the groove in seconds.

Patrick – Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart

Rift Apart was the long-awaited love letter that Ratchet and Clank fans had been waiting for. Decadent particle effects flood the screen during combat and the movement has never been smoother. The introduction of Jennifer Hale as Rivet was just what the series needed. Rivet manages to bring back some of the old edginess from the PS2 era of games and coaxes out the theme of trying to move past being broken. The main baddie also feels more menacing than the foes we usually deal with. All of this at 60fps, with ray-tracing, and the most extensive accessibility options I’ve ever seen shows that Insomniac is dedicated to being industry leaders in optimization.

There you have it, folks! This is the list of Phenixx Gaming’s Game of the Year picks for 2021! With all the great games that are coming in 2022, I’m sure that means that the upcoming year will be full of even more great experiences. Here’s to the new year y’all!

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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