Last year, I really enjoyed my time with Sam & Max Save the World when it was released on Nintendo Switch. I had missed the Sam & Max games the first time around, so playing through the first “Season” of sorts, was very enjoyable. When I heard that Season Two, named Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space was coming to Switch, I knew I had to cover it.

Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space picks up where the first game left off. I’m not going to spoil what goes on, mostly because describing it would be difficult and would spoil the fun of the game. Needless to say, you join Sam and Max on a fantastic adventure that leads you from the North Pole, all the way to somewhere…particularly down south.

As always, Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space plays like a typical Point-and-Click adventure. You can walk around as Sam, interacting with various items in the environment, picking up objects and using them or combining them, as well as talking to NPC’s. This time around, the gameplay has been adjusted so that if you find yourself stuck, NPC’s will (optionally) give you hints as to what you are missing.

In fact, there are a variety of fantastic accessibility features that have been added. Some of them are as simple as a subtitle background, while others are as complex as being able to skip mini-games or adjust the frequency of hints. The mini-games I encountered were relatively simple, but I could see some of them being a bit more difficult for some people, so that option to skip/auto-complete them is really useful.

The storyline is just as wacky and joke-filled as ever. In fact, it almost feels like they packed even more pop culture references in, though they don’t feel forced. Familiar characters show up, while new ones are introduced along the way as well. Sam and Max retain their usual wit, and there are even some fun twists and turns for them along the way.

The visuals, lighting, music, and sound have all been remastered to fit modern standards. Personally, I think the game looks fantastic, and all the voice acting is just as fun as it was the last time around. I did manage to run into a single visual bug of sorts, but it fixed itself and I never ran into it again.

Strangely enough, I don’t really have any complaints about Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space. If you’re a fan of episodic Point-and-Click adventures or of Sam and Max in general, you can’t go wrong here. It is nice to see that the smaller gems of Telltale’s catalog aren’t being forgotten, and I hope we see Sam and Max on the Freelance Police beat more and more in the future.

A Nintendo Switch review copy of Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space was provided by Skunkape Games for this review.

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Sam & Max: Beyond Time and Space

$19.99 USD




  • Hilarious Dialogue
  • Lots of Accessibility Options
  • Clever Puzzle Elements
  • Great Characters
  • Fun Mini-Games


  • Minor Visual Bugs

Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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