Well, folks, it’s mid-November again, and that can only mean one thing: another year has passed since the fantastical realm we know as Azeroth made its presence known the world over. Yes indeed, World of Warcraft’s seventeenth-anniversary event is now upon us. This festival will run from Monday, November 15th, 2021 through Monday, December 6th. I’m here today to tell you what I can about this extravaganza, though admittedly, my job is made easier because there’s a fair bit of standard fare involved for WoW’s veteran players.
By that, I mean to say this anniversary event hasn’t exactly shaken up the concept of the game’s usual birthday bashes all that much. For starters, as is tradition, all your characters will receive the usual Celebration Package bundle through the in-game mail system. This parcel contains the following: a reusable item that increases your characters’ experience and reputation gains by 17% during the festivities, 200 Timewarped Badges, a celebratory firework consumable, and an item that starts a quest that will direct you to visit Chromie in the Caverns of Time.
Furthermore, as per usual, you’ll be able to pay daily visits to Historian Llore in Stormwind City and Historian Ju’pa in Orgrimmar. Throughout the duration of the anniversary event, these NPCs will offer you repeatable quests to both answer WoW trivia questions and, in Blizzard’s words, “defeat some familiar foes” in exchange for more Timewarped Badges. If you’re new to World of Warcraft, or just haven’t played in a while, you might be wondering what you can spend those badges in order to obtain.
Well, for that, you’ll have to seek out Historian Ma’di, who serves as the anniversary event’s Timewalking vendor. Veteran players will find the majority of this NPC’s available offerings familiar, such as the Corgi Pup battle pet, Bronze-Tinted Sunglasses cosmetic item, and of course, the Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker. If you somehow happen to lose your Celebration Package and its included experience and reputation buffs, you can purchase a new one from Historian Ma’di in exchange for fifteen copper.
Historian Ma’di has one new item on offer this time around, though: in exchange for 200 Timewarped Badges, you can net yourself a battle pet called the Timeless Mechanical Dragonling. If you find yourself constantly running out of Timewarped Badges, don’t worry! You have several means of obtaining more throughout this event. Firstly, there are the aforementioned daily quests from Historians Llore and Ju’pa.
Secondly, if you’re at least level 30, you can fight several bosses each day for more Timewarped Badges and some other loot. These bosses include Lord Kazzak, any one of the four Dragons of Nightmare, and Azuregos. Thirdly, there’s also a new weekly quest during this event, entitled “Doomwalkin’ has Come Knockin’.” This will see players take on the Doomwalker boss in exchange for a chance at some special loot like unique weapons and armor, as well as (of course) additional Timewarped Badges.
Lastly, one of the more popular aspects of the past few World of Warcraft’s anniversary events has returned once again this year. Namely, the “Korrak’s Revenge” version of the Alterac Valley battleground is back for the duration of this extravaganza. This is yet another source of those Timewarped Badges I keep going on about, as well as a chance for longtime players to relive the earliest days of this beloved battleground.
What’s more, if you rack up enough Timewarped Badges from playing Korrak’s Revenge, Alliance players will be able to purchase the Stormpike Battle Ram mount. Likewise, Horde players can snag the Frostwolf Snarler mount. There you have it, dear readers! That constitutes virtually everything you might need to know about World of Warcraft’s seventeenth-anniversary event. If you want to have a look at Blizzard’s official “blue post” from which I obtained all the information I covered in this article, you can do so right here.
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