Last week we got quite a substantial look at Elden Ring, otherwise known as “who do I have to kill to play this now?” It is weird to be in this FromSoft hype again after Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, making Elden Ring only the second game from the developer that I’ve been engulfed in since joining the cult of “get gud.” Though while the gameplay is very interesting and almost made me jump at the TV a few times thinking I could catch the game, there was something else that was revealed to be quite interesting.

Tucked away in a small segment of the GameStop listing for the PlayStation 5 collector’s edition of Elden Ring is the paragraph on an “Enhanced Experience.” This is also featured in the Xbox Series X/S listing too if you chose the other console, don’t worry. In the paragraph, it mentions that both console ports will feature a graphic mode with enhanced graphical fidelity, including 4K and ray-tracing, and a performance mode for frame rates “up to 60.” Meanwhile, over on the PC side of the fence, (thanks PC Gamer) it explains that Elden Ring will be capped at 60 fps. I am sure that will make some Klingons very angry.

I’ll be honest, I find it very surprising to see how many people pick the visually enhanced mode over the sensible option. More importantly, it will be interesting to see how the PS4 and Xbox One, and their many variations, handle the Elden Ring on February 25th, 2022. Will this be the 3DS versus the New 3DS? I hope not, because I’d bargain that a majority of those on consoles will still be on the older generations given continued reports of the PS5 stock shortages.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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