Much like a song with the chord progression, C, E minor, F, and G, I’m sure we can all agree, I don’t like Mondays. However, this week’s Monday is made slightly shinier than usual, which is odd, because I’m back to talking about Prime Gaming for at least the 11th time this year. I’m pretty sure I said it at the time, but last month’s collection was at least interesting if not a little heavy on some indie games that didn’t excite many. This month still has a few indies of that same vein, but at least there is still something sitting on top to enjoy no matter who you are.

Off the bat, I’m not going to list every bit of Prime Gaming “loot” this month or from now on, mostly because I don’t enjoy it and you probably don’t care much for it either. Nonetheless, the major changes this month include Guild Wars 2Fallout 76New WorldFar Cry 6For Honor, and of course things like Apex Legends. Under all of that, there is still some Call of Duty WarzoneVALORANTRuneScape, and other free-to-play content I ignore 99.9% of the month anyway. If you are so enticed by them, enjoy and I’ll be over in the corner playing something I enjoy obsessively. That way we’re both happy before Thanksgiving where it all goes to pot.

The most obvious game I think you’ll be expecting is the sequel to Puzzle Agent, the Fargo (film) inspired Telltale game from the pre-The Walking Dead days. It is exactly what you’d expect from a sequel from a Telltale series, more of the same and maybe a cliffhanger waiting for the third season. Given Puzzle Agent 2 came out only a year after the first, I wouldn’t be surprised. As I said before, I couldn’t cast the judgment of whether it is bad just yet, but I wouldn’t say it is calling for everyone to play it. Maybe it is enjoyable if you are in the mood, but it is not for everyone.

Stylized like a comic book: Noir and grim, Liberated is the next game in our indie collection that is playing the undercard this month. Any other month it would be sitting at the top, simply for being interesting or different, but we’ve got other games that cast wider nets here. I like the style, I like the ideas, and I think if the puzzles provide some interesting gameplay it could make for a very enjoyable game. It is possibly a bit clunky in some areas, and I have seen that the Switch port was hampered with performance issues throughout.

Moving on to the point that will remind us time is a horrible thing crawling up behind, ready to kill us in an instant: Tomb Raider is 25 this year. From the 1st to the 14th of November, you’ll be able to pick up Rise of the Tomb Raider via Prime Gaming. If you missed it, Rise of the Tomb Raider is the one I think isn’t all that bad in terms of a reboot Tomb Raider game. It is one of the games that no matter who you are, I think you should be picking this one up wherever it is available. Assuming this will be much like last month’s additions, it may be available through the Epic Games Store but I’ve got a feeling something else might be too.

If you’re a fan of the DnD-style fantasy adventure, Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos might just be something for you. It is an RPG Rogue-like meant for multiplayer, though can be played in single-player. You’ll crawl through procedural dungeons in this world filled with dangers and puzzles. Released earlier this year, it has been noted as having a few notable bugs, but if you are playing with friends I’m sure you’ll not think much about them.

I’m all for a hidden object game when you are bored and have nothing else to do, but I think I speak for everyone when I say Demon Hunter 2: New Chapter isn’t lighting fires in underpants. Sure, some prefer the hidden-object genre, my gran for example, but I don’t think it is going to excite anyone that will be reading this or looking for my stupid opinions on games. By all accounts from those that like it, it is your typical hidden-object fare with clunky acting, messy writing, and illogical puzzles, but it is noted as being campy and weird. As I say, it probably is not anyone’s number 1 priority this month, but in a pinch it could be worth something to someone.

While there is no word where you’ll be putting a code for Rise of the Tomb Raider, I’ve got a feeling I know what app you’ll be opening up for Dragon Age: Inquisition. The EA and Bioware high-fantasy RPG is the latest edition in Ye’old Commander Shepard’s tale of getting flossy from one edge of the massive map to another edge of the massive world with nothing much in it other than flower picking and the same three battles over and over again. It is possibly the best of the three thus far, but after Bioware’s last attempt at an RPG that’s not saying much. I think it is obvious that you’ll be picking this one up from Origin, much like Star Wars Squadrons needed it last month.

This brings me to the last of the games available this month and what makes me question where you’ll pick up Rise of the Tomb RaiderControl. Yep, in Remedy’s 2019 sci-fi adventure about blowing up the storage cupboard in the FBI, you’ll be playing as Jesse Faden soon enough. Originally an Epic Games Store exclusive game, this is what makes me wonder whether you’ll be asked to connect your Epic account with your Amazon/Twitch account. Either way, given the praise surrounding it and Alexx’s very high rating back when it was released (review linked above), this is one of the three you should pick up no matter what.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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