To quote the narrator of the original Darkest Dungeon, “ruin has come to our family.” Thankfully, however, it certainly appears as though ruin has not befallen the Darkest Dungeon franchise’s developers, Red Hook Studios. Their newest hotly-anticipated title, Darkest Dungeon II, launched in Early Access exclusively on the Epic Games Store on October 26th, 2021. Red Hook then posted a Tweet the following day announcing that one hundred thousand copies of the game had been sold since the game’s official release.
I’ll refrain from going into too much detail about my opinion on Darkest Dungeon II in this article. I would prefer to save the vast majority of my thoughts about the game for my full Early Access preview and, eventually, my review of the full game once it’s out. Even so, one thing I’m willing to say on the matter at this point is that the game selling so well, so quickly, doesn’t really come as all that much of a surprise to me.
From my understanding, Red Hook took something of a risk by crowdfunding the original Darkest Dungeon several years ago, but that risk most assuredly seems to have paid off multiple times over. I have little doubt that longtime readers of ours know how much I adore the first Darkest Dungeon. I must say, I’m quite glad to see that particular title receive a sequel and equally pleased to see that sequel performing so well this soon after it was launched.
In fact, I know I said I plan to reserve most of my thoughts on Darkest Dungeon II for future articles, but here’s a little taste of what I think of it so far in case it helps tempt you to be one of the game’s next hundred thousand purchasers. Once Darkest Dungeon II has played the entirety of its hand, and if its upcoming chapters manage to completely enthrall me anywhere near as much as the only currently-playable chapter has, I have no doubt it will become one of my favorite games. To describe this sequel as a “worthy successor” is, in my view, quite an understatement at this point in time.
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