The good news just keeps getting better, it seems. Not only is Aspyr Studios heading the remake of KOTOR, but they’re also doing what they literally do best: porting our favorite classics to modern platforms. Soon we’ll be able to return to a galaxy far, far away, and tens of thousands of years before the creation of Darth Vader. Only this time we’ll have it all in the palms of our hands.

At this year’s Nintendo Direct it was revealed that Aspyr will soon bring Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic to our favorite handheld console. However, this is not the remake and there will not be any substantial changes to the game’s content.

This is not to say that there won’t be other notable changes, though. After all, the game is being resized from 4:3 to widescreen. Otherwise, the only real notable change would be the storage. The original on Steam only takes up 3.5GB, but it seems the port will be a whopping 15.6BG, though it might just be a typo.

The game’s price will be a respectable $14.99, and at that rate, I think I can afford the skeptical 15.6GB of storage. I honestly cannot think of a better way to pass the time while I wait for the remake. Aspyr is set to release the KOTOR port on November 11, 2021. So, it’s only a couple of months before I can replay the game of my childhood in a whole new way.

More than anything, I’m interested to see how the game will look coming to widescreen. Though I’m sure that Aspyr will deliver as they have in the past, and this will be a good sign of things to come with the remake.

Be sure that you stay up to date on all things KOTOR here at Phenixx Gaming. Including the remake with a release date sure to be announced sometime soon.

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Cameron Baird

KSU 2020 graduate with a focus in English and Spanish studies. I enjoy an in-depth and methodical game. I write creatively, read and everything in between in my time off.

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