I was recently made aware of an upcoming title from the duo of Russian development studio TECHHOME and publisher HeroCraft entitled Organs, Please. I’m sure you folks know which specific existing game the title is referencing, and I’m equally certain you probably know what the mention of that title does to me. Organs, Please references one of my favorite indie games right in its name, and its events take place in an equally dystopian society to that of Papers, Please. It’s as if this title’s developers were actively trying to get my attention.

Organs, Please is a game about recycling, but not in what you might consider the “traditional” sense of the word. You’re not in charge of re-purposing paper, plastic, aluminum, or anything like that. I suspect that probably wouldn’t make for a very exciting game, anyway. Rather, this title charges you with recycling humans. More specifically, living humans, at least for the most part. I’d imagine the “donors” of your “recycled material” don’t exactly stick around very long after you’re finished with them if what I’ve seen of Organs, Please’s gameplay has anything to say on the matter.

This game’s description on its Steam Store page states the following: “Your job is to decide who gets to escape our dying planet in a cozy spaceship and who sacrifices their blood, sweat, and tears for humanity. Literally.” It is not quite as potentially tedious as deciding who may and may not enter the fictional (and presumably not entirely democratic) nation of Arstotzka, but probably has much higher stakes.

I must say, I can’t help but wonder how the process of recycling living humans factors into whether or not the planet completes the process of dying. Perhaps human blood has newfound properties as rocket fuel or something. In any case, I’m excited to give Organs, Please a try once it’s out, As of right now, don’t have a concrete release date just yet.

If you’re interested, you can add the game to your Steam wishlist via the link I’ve included above in order to be notified once Organs, Please has been released. There may also be a demo version of it available during the upcoming Steam Next Fest, though that’s purely speculation on my part.

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David Sanders

David Sanders is an all-around complete and total nerd - the cool kind of nerd, don't worry. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several RPGs and turn-based strategy titles (especially Sid Meier's Civilization with a healthy amount of mods). When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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