I think I’ve said it before, but I try to avoid press releases like a goth avoids a rainbow. They are just far too awkward to work with. Press releases, not goths. Anyway, there was one that caught my eye last week, but I was too busy to cover it immediately and it appears no one else online has seen it. The Isn’t Company’s Hometopia is basically the good bit of The Sims and none of that ideal faffery of making sure fictional being is doing all the things you are supposed to be doing.
I’ll spare you the PR bits of the press release, it is mostly a list of features and a detailed background of how the career mode and sandbox works. For the most part, it is fairly similar to House Flipper, as in the game’s story you seem to be everyone in America recently. You are buying a house, renovating it, and selling it on. It has a rather ambitious scope of five neighborhoods, four biomes, “thousands of items to design and build with at launch” along with confirmation of modding, and more. On the surface, I can’t help but compare and contrast the latest Sims game, derided for its lack of many things, and get a little excited.
However, if you are like me and are very excited to see it in action, Hometopia is coming to Steam upon release. Not only that, but as David noted on Friday, the upcoming Steam Next Fest set between the 1st to 7th of October will feature a demo of Hometopia. Though there is no full release date as of yet, I think I speak on behalf of most of the editorial team here by saying “I want it now!” Before it even may be asked in the comments, there is no word of a console platform anywhere, just PC. Either way, I am very excited. It will be interesting to see how career mode works in what by all descriptions seems to be a pretty chill game, but I know I’ll revert to the sandbox as soon as I can.
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September 11, 2022 - 7:49 pmI missed the Demo to the game if there is anyway to send it through email thanks if not hope it comes out soon.
January 13, 2023 - 10:32 ambonjour ou puit-je trouver la démo du jeux hometopia ?
Keiran McEwen
January 17, 2023 - 8:44 amDésolé, il n’a été disponible que pendant une courte période.
(désolé si mon français est un peu rouillé)