Steam informed me when I logged in this morning that the second most-played game in my entire library, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, is currently on sale alongside its huge collection of downloadable content. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a sign that today is going to be a good day. I’m here to spread the word to our audience in case any of you might be waiting for a chance to dive into the game without spending a ton of cash.

Steam classifies this series of discounts as a “weekend deal,” yet it’s important to note that Civ VI and all its DLC will remain discounted through Thursday, September 16th, 2021 despite that rather specific designation. I think the best way to tackle this sale would be for me to break down the prices of each individual component related to the game and allow you to decide how much (if any) of the game’s DLC you might want to pick up. So, let’s dive in, shall we?

The “vanilla” version of Civilization VI is currently discounted by 85%. This temporarily brings its asking price down to $8.99 USD. Getting this version by itself would be a good way for you to dip your toe into the game, or perhaps the series as a whole. Be advised, however, that the game features a free playable demo on its Steam Store page which will allow you to give the game a try before you even think about spending any money on it.

Let’s say you want to purchase Civ 6, but you know you want more added to it than just the base game. If that is the case, you have a plethora of options available to you depending on how much additional content you desire. If you just want the game’s two expansions and nothing else, Rise & Fall will cost you $9.89 USD during this sale, while Gathering Storm is only a dime more expensive than that at $9.99 USD. Should you purchase this trio, that brings your total up to $28.87 USD.

However, you’ve got a more efficient, less expensive option than that available to you in the form of the “Platinum Edition” of Civilization 6. This bundle will set you back $14.68 USD, and it contains the Digital Deluxe Edition of the base game, as well as both expansions I’ve already mentioned. The Digital Deluxe Edition includes seven new playable Civs (Poland, Australia, Nubia, Khmer, Persia, Indonesia, and Macedon) in addition to at least three scenario packs.

Suppose for the sake of argument that not even the Platinum Edition of Civilization VI is enough content for you. Suppose you want to go “whole hog” and get absolutely everything the game has to offer. Enter the Civilization VI Anthology. Clocking in at a temporary asking price of a mere $29.88 USD, this version contains the base game, every last piece of DLC I’ve mentioned thus far, and the entirety of the game’s season pass known as the New Frontier Pass.

For those unaware, the New Frontier Pass contains an abundance of goodies that will serve to further enhance your Civilization VI experience. Namely, it contains eight new playable Civs (the Maya, Gran Colombia, Ethiopia, Byzantium, Gaul, Vietnam, Babylon, and Portugal), an additional leader for China and Mongolia in the form of Kublai Khan, and two so-called “Persona Packs” for the leaders of France and America. These “Persona Packs” provide new versions of the existing leaders in question with altered gameplay agendas and new character models, among other things.

The New Frontier Pass also includes a slew of new optional game modes to help keep your next several thousand games of Civ 6 fresher than they ordinarily might be. For example, the season pass includes a mode in which all slain military units have a chance to return to play as zombies and force every Civ in the game to repel the resulting hordes of the undead. If you think zombies have been done to death (pun absolutely intended), there’s also a mode in which your Civ’s leader can join a “secret society” composed entirely of vampires. You can then attempt to take over the in-game world by force with an army of powerful vampire military units.

To conclude, there are a couple of other things of which I feel I should make you aware. Firstly, if you’ve never played Civilization VI before and you’re hesitant to dive into it without knowing which way is up, you might like to know I’ve made an entire beginner’s guide to the game over on our YouTube channel. It won’t teach you the most in-depth strategies or anything like that, but it should at least help you become more comfortable playing the game as you figure out your own favorite techniques.

Lastly, since that beginner’s guide I just mentioned is a bit outdated by now, I’m strongly considering making a “revamped” version of it that focuses on the content present in the New Frontier Pass. Keep an eye out for that if you’re so inclined. For now, though, please do let me know in this article’s comments if you pick up any version of Civilization VI during this sale and what you end up thinking of it once you’ve given it a try!

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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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