With the pre-Christmas release period and Gamescom being that point we’re in right now, writing news about gaming has been hard. There has been very little interesting news, and what is there often feels rather hard to cover in some cases. Nothing Against Bus Simulator 21 or Track and Burn, but reading press releases and crafting an article out of those feels like I am pulling teeth. Nonetheless, this will be the third article this week I’ve written from an email sent my way, but this time it was something that instantly jumped out at me. It then pointed a gun in my face, shouting to get on the ground, and asking where the supposed drugs were.
Coming to Steam in early access on October the 14th, Tactical Combat Department is a swat game in the realm of Door Kickers. Sorry, let me correct that: Tactical Combat Department is a turn-based isometric Door Kickers. It might sound like I’m beleaguering it for being similar, but that is kind of the point of it. If that isn’t the point, I’d like to hear how this one is explained away.
Pushing for a more realistic style than its door-kicking counterpart’s rather cartoonish style, I don’t believe anyone is winning awards in the art department. It is very brown and grey, like 2008 hasn’t called its therapist in a while. Of course, Tactical Combat Department is inspired by similar swat-ish games, I’m just hoping for at least a bit of Tom Clancy’s Rogue Spear in there, more so than Rainbow Six Vegas. It claims to be pushing for realism, with AI civilians and armed suspects reacting based on actions taken to create a more dynamic response overall.
Key features that are listed include classic action-point-based gameplay, random generation on each level of enemy positions, and “realistic fog-of-war” based on each unit’s field-of-view. Set to release into early access, the press release lays out a plan of six months of development in early access before a full launch. The full release is also set to feature new locations and environments, night missions, and a greater depth of enemy types. I’ll say it, though it might sound like the early access release in October will be a little anemic on arrival, I admire the admission of where it is and where it is determined to go.
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