What’s the main appeal of a first-person shooter? I’d wager the majority of gamers would answer that it’s the thrill ride one gets being in control of a protagonist up against an onslaught of foes, only given the tool in their hands to dispatch them. In Boomerang X, said protagonist only gets to choose one weapon: a boomerang. Sounds pretty restrictive, doesn’t it? Well, developers DANG! have made so much use out of this one tool that it feels like a weapon of mass destruction by the end of the rollercoaster that is the short-but-sweet campaign.

With little backstory and only one conversation taking place in the entire game, Boomerang X speaks more in its combat and set pieces than it does through words. The player starts out with just the boomerang. They can throw it, then learn to recall it, jump to it midair, earn and utilize a spread shot, a long-distance shot, and more. What Boomerang X does to keep players engaged better than the vast majority of other titles is that it offers valuable mechanics after each successful combat arena.


The juxtaposition between the start of Boomerang X and the end of it is a night-and-day difference. Taking out just a few flying bugs moving slowly towards you vs. frantically moving across the map without a second to sit still is a wild turn of events, and if you’re proficient, you can get from start to finish in less than an hour. That’s not to say that the shortness of the game is a hindrance. Rather, there isn’t a moment that the player will feel like they’re trudging through a long game at a snail’s pace.

The difficulty in Boomerang X steadily increases as players acquire new abilities and more health. There was only one level that I had to retry multiple times, as I had to get used to slowing down time enough to take out a particular enemy that can only be slain with a focus shot from afar. With careful slowdown usage, strong prioritization, and precise aim, the game is a welcome challenge for casual FPS players as much as it is a trying test for speedrunners who will no doubt play through the game in droves.

Thanks to vibrant colors and thoughtful level design, each room is meticulously planned out for the player to fully use it. It’s a risk to stand in a health spot, as you’re a sitting duck. Don’t jump too high or fall too low, as ceilings tend to be spiked as often as the floors are. Forget about cover, the only way to survive in the later levels of Boomerang X is to teleport several times a second, while you generate enough of your abilities in the process.

Devolver Digital always seems to find the most inventive indie developers, and Boomerang X is yet another example of that as the game is a triumph in the genre of FPS. Begging for replays, a $19.99 price tag is nominal and worth it for one of the most fast-paced, memorable indie FPS’ as of late.

A PC review copy of Boomerang X was provided by Devolver Digital for this review.


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Boomerang X





  • Perfect Fluidity In Combat
  • Serious Adrenaline
  • Excellent Performance


  • Difficulty Spikes Will Put Off Some

Mike Reitemeier

Mike enjoys running meme pages, gaming, thrifting, and the occasional stroll through a forest preserve.

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