In case I’ve never mentioned this here on Phenixx Gaming, I never got to experience what is widely regarded as World of Warcraft’s best expansion while it was current. I started playing WoW about six months after Wrath of the Lich King was released. I was in sixth or seventh grade at that time, and the computer I had back then could only run the game at about two frames per second. I could never even think of visiting the expansion’s general hub city of Dalaran unless I wanted my integrated graphics chip to spontaneously combust.

Even so, Wrath of the Lich King is still beloved by players the world (of Warcraft) over. Part of me wishes I could go back in time with a more capable machine and see what all the fuss was about. I’m not a hardcore raider by any stretch, though, so something tells me I would regret making that wish come true. However, perhaps I’ll get to experience something similar thanks to an upcoming board game that’s being made as the result of cooperation between Blizzard Entertainment and Z-Man Games.

Eliot Lefebvre of Massively OP reports that Blizzard and Z-Man Games have teamed up to make a board game set in the World of Warcraft universe which operates on what’s apparently known as the Pandemic system. From what little I’ve been able to discern thus far, the Pandemic system entails players primarily working together in an effort to prevent a global threat from eradicating life as we know it. In this context, I would imagine that the threat in question is Arthas Menethil and the armies of undead Scourge at his command.

In a trailer for the game which I’ve linked below this paragraph, it appears as though those who play this board game (as yet untitled) will be able to assume the roles of legendary characters from WoW’s history. For example, the trailer clearly shows Varian Wrynn, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Thrall working cooperatively to defeat Arthas. I’m compelled to wonder at this point whether, if the players should lose to the Lich King, they’ll become champions of the Scourge. I think that would be quite a cool gameplay mechanic.

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David Sanders

David Sanders is, at his core, a man who's just trying to get through his game backlog before the heat death of the universe, and yet can't seem to stop adding to said game backlog. He greatly enjoys many different varieties of games, particularly several notable RPGs and turn-based strategy titles. When he's not helping to build or plan computers for friends, he can usually be found gaming on his personal machine or listening to an audiobook to unwind.

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