I think it is fair to say that BioWare, over the last few years, has had a hard time of it. Between Mass Effect: Andromeda‘s troubled release and their prolonged suffering with Anthem purposefully trying to chase Destiny’s tail, the studio has seen a few issues. Issues that led to Sean Murray, of all people, giving advice to Anthem and Fallout 76 developers. Though the studio’s recent release of Mass Effect: Legendary Edition does show good fortune. In December, producer Mark Darrah and general manager Casey Hudson left, with Android Wilson saying that he’s not worried about their departure. This was then followed by Anthem director Jonathan Warner, leaving too.
Well, months later, we now know what is on the horizon for Hudson during his second departure from BioWare. Announced yesterday, Hudson has started a new studio, “Today we are announcing a new independent videogame company built to unleash the creative freedom of developers – bringing innovation and artistry to players through an all-new IP,” Hudson said in a tweet. “We are Humanoid Studios. This is the first tiny step in our journey, and we hope you’ll come along with us on the adventure,” he went on to say, linking to the studio’s website.
We are Humanoid Studios. This is the first tiny step in our journey, and we hope you'll come along with us on the adventure. https://t.co/b77Z2hbKFG
— Casey Hudson (@CaseyDHudson) June 29, 2021
There is no word on what the studio will be working on, of course, though the Humanoid Studios website does mention several positions they are seeking to fill. There is also a short brief of the studio’s mission statement and usual PR-friendly description for goals of desired hires. They also include odd mission statement remarks of Hudson founding the studio with talented developers and oddly, “we combine excellence in the arts with advanced sciences to deliver the future of interactive entertainment.” So that is a who knows what of what we’ll be seeing at some point in the future. I’d assume something in space.
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