In one of the more interesting presentations at E3, Mythical swerved their peers with a new venture. We heard rumors about an NFT-fueled game experience, but it’s finally here. Mythical Games presented for just over 15 minutes about their game Blankos Block Party, which utilizes NFT characters to give players a new kind of ownership over their experience. Here’s what we learned in the presentation.

Imagine owning a character in a video game; no, like literally owning them. NFTs use blockchain, a software-built digital ledger, to authenticate unique digital items so you can prove ownership over non-physical items. Blankos Block Party, the new game from Mythical Games, will use this technology to allow players to own characters in their game. The game will take influence from major artists like Burberry, DeadMau5, Quiccs, and El Grand Chamaco, and be a blend of a bunch of different pop culture inspirations.

The game is going to be an MMO that features a variety of detailed characters with unique looks. When you want a character, you can buy them and own them via NFT. The game is entering Early Access now and will soon be playable for interested gamers on PC. Mythical Games plans on selling characters in a unique way. They can limit the number of them or the time period in which they’re sold to create scarcity as well as change prices to impact value. Items are expected to run from between $25 and $125. Here’s where things get interesting.

Players can sell their NFT characters and items to one another in the Mythical Marketplace. They’re not selling for an in-game currency, however, but for real money. The company promises secure transactions and a clear authenticity system to ensure people are getting the real thing. Players can collect upwards of 100,000 NFTs in the game.

With 100 employees and $120 million raised for the project to date, this is far from a trend waiting to go away. This is likely the future of at least part of the games industry. If you’re interested in seeing the full presentation, check out the E3 conference from Mythical Games above. Let us know what you think of this interesting approach to gaming in the comments!


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