It’s that time of year again where companies fling themselves in front of the gays with all the ferocity of someone disinterestedly picking lettuce out of a plain cheeseburger. It’s June, so everyone seems to be really concerned about gender pronouns being correct and pretending they don’t care about the LGBTQ+ community any other time of the year. Everyone is doing their little bit to try and be LGBTQ+ friendly, with deals on games with those stories featuring gay, queer, lesbian, trans, or other non-straight characters and developers of those minorities being celebrated.

One such bundle is the Queer Games bundle over on, the indie mecca for ideas that aren’t mainstream Steam material. The bundle’s goal is to hit $5-million by the end of the month, “one-third of the budget of an AAA game” to give every developer within the bundle a living wage and teams a boost in support for their next title. The bundle, at the time of writing, features 236 games, books, soundtracks, and game assets, with a total of 195 different LGBTQ+ creators involved. The ultimate desire is to give these creators a year without worry about paying rent or buying food, letting them create without concern of basic survival.

As the description notes, “Purchasing the Queer Games Bundle is a direct action that you can take right now to support queer people in a life-changing way[,] and in exchange[,] you get over 200 amazing, heartfelt, fun, and radical games.” There is a top asking price of $60 for nearly $600 worth of games and other queer-created pieces. However, understandably, some might find it hard to part with $60 right now, so there is a $10 and up pay what you can edition for those who may be struggling.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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