The tough thing about games like the Mass Effect trilogy is that debates about the games are tough to navigate. If you played the games in the 2000s and 2010s and enjoyed them, then you’re likely excited about the Legendary Collection coming later this year. If you didn’t love them, then why try them again? Despite the fondness fans feel for the series, the games themselves are wildly polarizing. So what sort of response can we expect in 2021 for the games?
I, like most people, really love Mass Effect 2. I didn’t hate 3, and the first game actually is probably my least favorite. The fact of the matter is that’s not the case for a lot of people. Many detest the third game and some really only like one of the three titles. The tricky thing about the Mass Effect trilogy is that we see three games connected in plot and universe, but very different in execution. Let’s break down why this poses a challenge for gamers in 2021.
If you plan to play through all of the Mass Effect games when the Legendary Collection drops, then here’s the problem. The first game feels like classic BioWare from the KOTOR days. The second game plays a lot like what we consider to be modern action-shooters. The third game feels like it tried to bridge the two together with a messy story that didn’t feel prepared to come to an end. I fear when we go back and play these games back to back things are going to feel really messy.
I still plan on replaying them all with the new enhancements. I think it’s just worth mentioning that many consider this to be the greatest RPG series of all time. Despite this, the games feature a number of contradictions and complications that make gameplay a real chore at times. Does that mean the games lose credibility? Not at all. The issue is with the debates we have about games. It’s not about a game being good or bad, it’s about the player’s experience in the game.
We can decide for ourselves what makes a game good or bad. Debating about a game’s mechanics or gameplay is a discussion on effectiveness, not quality. Or at least it should be. There are some people who will love these games a lot and others will lose fondness for them. Some might even see the games as worse off for this modernization. Either way, your opinion has a seat at the table if you’re willing to avoid shoving it down others’ throats.
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