So, it turns out we solved the mystery of February being scrubbed from the description of recent Apex Legends videos: It is releasing in just over a month. I think I may have even said that I was surprised the Titanfall-themed Battle Royale wasn’t already on the system, and I think I know why that was as well. I covered EA Play Live’s June/faux-E3 conference, where it was announced the game would get cross-play and be arriving both to Steam and the Nintendo Switch. Of course, this came with the broad “Fall 2020” release these things tend to get.

Well, as quickly as those several posts on the inadvertent February 2nd release began to spread before EA noticed their own PR mistake, they were removed from all international and domestic versions of the Season 8 promo. Then yesterday, in a blog post, the game’s director Chad Grenier finally made the official announcement of the release, March 9th. Grenier would go on to discuss the help Respawn received porting the game over:

Porting Apex Legends to its smallest screen yet is a major achievement, and we couldn’t have done it without our friends at Panic Button.” Continuing with, “We’re very proud of what the team has been able to achieve with some smart optimizations for the Switch port to deliver a full-featured Apex Legends experience on the go.”

The post also notes that the game will support cross-play from the get-go, merging players from PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and Nintendo together. Though with the release of the Switch port coming weeks following the release of Season 8, EA is offering Switch players 30 free levels to their Season 8 Battle Pass. Along with this, Switch players will also receive double-XP for two weeks following the launch of the game onto the system.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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