It’s not uncommon for a gaming company to get a bit bigger than makes sense. If you’re going about your business, suddenly you can find yourself spread thin without a clear center. It’s sort of what the Star Wars universe is doing with LucasArts Games. Under one umbrella, a company can handle its games a bit more responsibly and with more oversight. Konami seems to be doing the same thing by consolidating its gaming divisions into one studio.

In a press release from Konami, the company is restructuring its executives into a single studio to help control games and the properties associated with the developer. Does this mean the end of Konami? Not even close. If anything, this shows promise for the company. By taking time to consolidate itself into one division, this can help them be more purposeful in game development. That’s good news for fans of series like Silent Hill and Metal Gear.

SEGA and Square Enix have also done something similar in the past. Essentially, things can get a bit hard to manage when your game company grows. Konami has a few games series that people love, and if they continue to botch releases of these games, the company could really find itself in trouble. Under one umbrella, the team can work together to ensure the longevity of its IPs and the company itself.

If you’re a fan of the Silent Hill series or maybe the Castlevania games, have no fear. This is likely a better move from Konami than doing nothing at all about their growing resources. After this change, let’s keep our fingers crossed we’ll get more games from these series soon!

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