It’s the 25th anniversary of Pokemon and we’re relatively unaware of the plans for the year. Of course, there’s going to be plenty of merch and collectibles sold on the mainline Pokemon Center store. Still, the things that started it all (the actual games) are a bit of a question mark. Here’s what we know so far about the Pokemon 25 celebration and what fans can expect from the significant milestone for the series.
On April 30th we’ll get New Pokemon Snap, which is a great reimagining of the classic Nintendo 64 game. This gorgeous game looks to be a ton of fun for fans who just want more time in the world of Pokemon. What other games can we anticipate? My best guess is that sometime in March or April, we’ll hear of a fall release for a new remake. Whether or not that’s a Let’s Play style casual remake or a Sword and Shield-level remake is yet to be seen.
With Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee reimagining the original games, we could easily see a move to the Silver and Gold era. There are other rumors that we might get a Diamond and Platinum remake, but that might not be in the cards quite yet. The real mystery is why we don’t know what to expect yet. We have seen other good announcements though, including a reprint of the classic, original Pokemon cards.
Another huge question is whether or not the Pokemon 25 celebration will warrant another Super Smash Bros. Ultimate character for the series. The game is still rolling out new characters, but there are quite a few Pokemon included in the game’s roster already. Overall, we have more questions than answers at this point. Hopefully, we’re not too far off from more info. Be sure to check out the Pokemon 25 website for all updates and news!
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