It feels like the last day of school before everyone goes away for the Christmas/holiday period, or what it feels like to me, summer. There’s not a day in this past year since our last break that I’ve asked to take off. I’ve even gone further and started doing weekend work as well. The next two weeks are going to feel weird doing nothing. Well, nothing but playing games, listening to Big Finish Dr. Who, watching Who Christmas specials, reading books… So same as usual? Yeah, pretty much, right down to writing Who reviews during that two weeks “off.”
Anyway, it is final Prime Gaming article of the year, and I’m not excited to be even writing it. We’ll try to keep you up to date via our Twitter, though that is depending on some lazy sod bothering to write tweets daily between fists full of Sex on the Beach. Let’s start by covering what is the last of its run, I couldn’t be happier. Those playing Last Day on Earth can now pick up the Kevlar Armor set with a modified AK(possibly 47?) which looks about the same as the other armor sets though in desaturated poo brown. Pick up this crap before the 17th of December and you can cosplay as a post-apocalyptic turd.
Sadly there is one more drop for Yahtzee with Buddies, at least; So I’ll have to talk about this Frosty the pile of Bunkum for another two weeks of my life. Now players of the game about random chance (as decided by a machine) can pick up a “Frozen Frame.” Oh! that’s the true value of Prime and Christmas, a bit of fluff to sit around your profile picture. I truly hope the sarcasm bleeds through on that line. This offer is available until the 23rd of December.
I think I’ve played more Final Fantasy this year alone than I ever had before, not that it was a great number to knock over anyway. Next up is the worst name for a mobile game ever. War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius takes up half the paragraph on its own. Player of the confusing mess of clashing overdesigned claptrap can now get 5-million Gil until the 23rd of December. Now can I go back to either the Great-Midgar Terrorism or Queer as Lucis?
Seemingly the final drop in the list, MLB Tap Sports will be leaving us on Wednesday. Good! Currently, players can pick up three bonus player boxes and 500 gold.
Sadly, we need to go on for another three months with this piece of poorly designed (visually) pile of useless tosh, yes it’s Roblox once again. Currently, players can pick up the “Icy Horns” drop, which is the 5th of the possible 8 that players can pick up. You have until the 12th of January 2021 to pick up this crown of three bits of ice to sit around other clashing pieces of design. I want to drown myself in Sherry while listening to the Queen dribble on about the challenges of the year, is it the 25th already?
The final of the World of Warships drops allows current Prime members and players to pick up the Trio of Santa’s gifts. The gifts are three festive dressed containers full of the usual tripe (I’d assume). You’ll have to complete a “simple mission” to get the three crates. You will have to be level-8 or greater to gain access to the mission; though, that has been the case with all of those previous offers. You have until the 21st of January, 2021, for this one.
I don’t know why I am talking about in 2020, but I have to, and I will continue to into 2021 as well. Players of the rather simple “time-wasting game” that school children played a few years ago (for about 5-minutes) can now get the third drop. You can get a Christmas potion and 150 DNA. If I understood what I just said, I’d force someone to run over my gentleman’s bits with their car so I could feel human emotion again.
Remember when EA’s CFO, Blake Jorgensen, said “You probably don’t want Darth Vader in pink?” Players of STAR WARS: Squadrons can currently pick up the Bold Approach and Vibrant Focus helmets, both in purple with the Vibrant Focus one (I assume) featuring a pink-y purple-ish visor. I assume Jorgensen has been told to, as would be said in Scotland, “wrap it!” (translate: “Shut up!”). Players on console and PC can pick up both helmets with their Prime membership. You have until the 12th of January, 2021, to pick them up. Following that, there are three other drops running through March.
Alexx is one for modern music, the type of things the youth will listen to, and even editing last week’s article he asked about one of the Magic Tiles 3 offerings. I still have no idea, but I’m not taking the drugs Amanotes is with their company slogan: “Everyone can music!” which I’m not joking about. If you had to literally translate (which I assume that was) “awful pile of tripe,” you’d get offerings from Lewis Capaldi (related to the 12th Doctor), Loving Caliber (x2), Egan Wofford, and whatever a Zyke is. It is another 1-day VIP pass for players, which ends on the 18th of December.
Finally, what was listed in last week’s first paragraph, Black Desert Mobile is only the third last thing to talk about. Yeah, I can’t be bothered with this one either, though that’s because all Amazon tells me is that it is “Hadum’s Chest” with “Holy Vial of Light.” I’m a human with emotions, so I don’t understand Klingon swear words such as that which mobile games tend to offer. If you want to pick up the Holy Vial of Light, you’ll have until the 22nd of December to do so.
RISK! No, that’s not just the thing two men shout on December 27th in freezing temperatures before touching tips, it is that boardgame people used to play. Remember when you could play board games with humans? COVID-19 does! Players of the mobile version (of course it is mobile) can now connect their Amazon account to get Prime drops. This time you get Prime Map Pack 1; A bundle of Pirate Bay and Iceland. This offer ends on the 23rd of December.
The final addition is new-ish if you ignore that it was a regular a while back. Rainbow Six Siege has returned, and so has Thatcher. Northern mining towns don’t have to worry as this one, as he is a man with a dull outfit, a dull charm, and a gun. Ok, an obvious joke aside about a former Prime Minister, players on PC and console can pick up Thatcher’s uniform, helmet, charm, and a gun skin. It’s all just grey-ish black with gold-lining, understated and vulgar at the same time. This offer ends on the 11th of January, 2021, and will be followed by at least three other drops.
Now we’re on the last game of the year we’ll cover in these articles. Uou’d think Amazon /Twitch Prime Gaming would want to go out with a bang in the last month of the year. No, it is a mild whimper and a gentle fart drafted through the room, as we end on Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair. I think I said it last week: If you are like Alexx and enjoy a bit of nostalgia for older-style platformers, you might really like Yooka-Laylee (and it’s 2.5D successor). However, to return to a point Alexx and I had weeks ago, yes you are getting a lot with Prime, but you are paying for it. The Epic Games Store is, for the next 15-days (starting Thursday) offering 15 games for free if you have an account. Additionally, you can pick up two massive Obsidian RPGs right now.
I’m not saying this month’s or this week’s games are worthless, but Epic stirs more fervor for their weekly offerings with mass variety than Prime does. Yes, often it can be an RPG, indie, or shooty-bang game, but before Battlefield 3 when is the last time Prime offered anything close to the triple-A sphere? There is a chance we’ll be covering what big move they have up their sleeves over on Twitter, so check in on that in the coming days and weeks as we rest up. We hope you do the same and enjoy some great games. Onto more complaining next year!
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