It’s bittersweet this, the penultimate Prime Gaming article before we here at Phenixx Gaming will be taking a short and well-deserved break. Though, for those important announcements of games and such, we do plan to cover those (along with Epic) over on Twitter during that break. Next week I’ll be writing about: Black Desert Mobile, Yahtzee with Buddies, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, MLB Tap Sports, Magic Tiles 3, World of Warships,, Last Day on Earth, Roblox, and whatever replaces Genesis Alpha One. One last busy Sunday of the month for me, I can’t wait for the time away from this liquid tripe for two weeks.
Starting with what I did last week, Legends of Runeterra has since updated and is offering players another Epic Wildcard. Much like last week, I still don’t understand what these are, though those that do at least enjoy the game will as they froth at the mouth with hatred pointed at my direction. This offer, the final of the two offers for PC players, will end on the 6th of January, 2021.
Sticking with Riot Games, the third and final skin shard is available for League of Legends players. Three total mystery skin shards are available for players on PC, with the ability to trade the collection of the three for one skin permanent. Players of League of Legends will have until the 5th of January to claim the three shards and/or further make that a skin permanent or not.
Also ending on the day we published our monthly article, Epic Seven has moved on from its misspellings with 20 Leif(s) previously available. Now players can pick up the Level 85 Epic Equipment set with 4-parts with exclusive accessories for Prime users. Players have until the 16th to pick up this 4-piece armor set with Prime-exclusive accessories.
The newest addition to the roster, Magic Tiles 3 is the fresh hell from mobiles I’ll be complaining about for a while. It is a finger tapping game that claims to teach you how to become a pianist. If that’s true then Elite Beat Agents made me a great dancer; I’m not a good dancer. “Players” of the mindless phone tapping tripe can pick up the first of 12 drops, which is one day of a VIP Pass. Offering songs from Billie Eilish, Fleurs Douces, Waykap, and Johannes Bornlof, whoever they all are. Modern pop guff that I’d rather slam myself in the car door than listen to.
It may be the penultimate Prime article of the year, but it is also the second-last of Last Day on Earth. Yes, next week we’ll be done with this (I hope) and we can move on to some other apocalyptic nightmare that I’ll never get to escape from. Currently, Last Day on Earth players can get a further 500 caps to their stash until the 10th of December. Good riddance as of next week!
I can honestly say, the title now for Immortals Fenyx Rising is so bland I’ve forgotten what it was called before. I believe it was something better about gods and such, but I can’t look past the blandness. Anyway, currently players on PC, consoles, and whatever this Stadia business is about can pick up the Fenyx Shivering character pack. It is a collection of silvery armor and bits like a mount and accessories, with waves curling up on your breasts. It is just more cosmetic guff. This offer ends on the 3rd of February, 2021.
Along with us for the year and Last Day on Earth, MLB Tap Sports is on its final legs. As of next week, we’ll be wrapping up the Baseball and hopefully finding something a little more exciting that doesn’t take three days to play. Presently players can pick up three bonus player boxes and 125K in in-game cash. This offer ends on the 9th of December.
I really hope I didn’t miss this one from our monthly articles, but if I did: oops! Spellbreak is that magic focused battle royale with little more going for it than that. Well, players of the game can pick up the Ransack outfit on the Epic Games store right now if they have Prime. You’ll want to be quick, this offer ends on the 15th of December.
I know I missed this one on purpose last week, as I assumed the bundle that was scheduled to end on the 2nd would be leaving. Hyper Scape is that other battle royale with no personality from this year. Players of the Ubisoft grey cash grab can pick up the current Prime battle pass a little longer, until the 28th of February, 2021. As far as I can find, there is no difference to what would end on the 2nd of December, just an extension to its availability.
Finally, we’re onto the game and it is another repeat. As I said last week, it is less about being ungrateful and more about the value of Prime stacked up against Epic, PlayStation Plus, and Xbox Game Pass. I’ve been reassured by the nostalgia blinkered (Alexx) that Yooka Laylee captures that 3D platforming of the late PS1 well. However, I’m more snooty with those. Certainly it is a game that’s perfect to keep the kids quiet over the December break from schools and such.
Lastly, I want to note that while that’s it for this week, those that missed out on last month’s five games can still pick them up until Friday the 11th of December. You can still get Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan, Victor Vran, Smoke and Sacrifice, A Knight’s Quest, Lethis – Path of Progress, and Genesis Alpha One. Though (as mentioned last week) Prime subscribers can also get Battlefield 3 until the 30th of December, so be sure to pick them all up.
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