I have been a long-time fan of Dead Cells since it went into Early Access. The development team has not stopped working to make the game better, add more content, and polish existing content. On December 1st, developer Motion Twin announced the 22nd major update to Dead Cells. This update also happens to be the 2nd paid DLC for the game, titled “Fatal Falls.”

In addition to the announcement for the new DLC, Motion Twin and Evil Empire announced that Dead Cells has sold more than 3.5 million copies across all platforms. For an indie Roguelike, that’s no small feat. The new DLC will release early next year for a $4.99 price point. Considering that the DLC trailer boasts two new areas, plus some other things, that’s not a bad price. Here is an excerpt from the press release, detailing some of what you can expect from the “Fatal Falls” DLC pack.

Two entirely new biomes, The Fractured Shrines and The Undying Shores, as well as a new boss are parallels to the ‘Stilt Village’, ‘Clock Tower’ and ‘Time Keeper’ areas and their alternate paths. These additions will provide significant new options for fans looking for middle-run exploration and are brimming with new ways to succumb to a terribly painful death. The update is also dropping a cache of new weapons, details of which will be revealed soon.

Fatal Falls marks the second paid DLC drop for the 2018 GOTY winning Dead Cells. The developers have kept a steady flow of content on tap for its loyal community across all platforms for the past 30 months with the first paid DLC, The Bad Seed, dropping earlier this year for the same price of $4.99.”

It looks like 2021 will be a great year for Dead Cells players. I’m sure we’ll get more information on this DLC pack as the release gets closer, and of course, a solid release date. I’m eager to see what Motion Twin has up its sleeve in the next few months.

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Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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