It’s a great day for America, everybody! Well, I thought this whole energy thing might have helped last week, it didn’t. I thought it might help this week too, possibly to get me excited to talk about this week’s game. Sadly, it didn’t. There is always next week for Prime Gaming when I am talking about: Big Farm: Mobile Harvest, Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, MLB Tap Sports, Epic Seven, Last Day on Earth, and whatever replaces The Occupation. The Occupation (of course) is that game I said last week would be interesting if I had the time to play it.
It is a long week this week, as more superficial guff was added to the collection I’d already stated I’d be covering this week. I think we’ll start with the most annoying game of the collection and its awful characterless design overall. Yes, Roblox has updated, and this time you can pick up the “Husky corn shoulder buddy” drop. This seems to be a semi-sentient piece of corn on the cob with legs that acts like a parrot and sit on your shoulder. I’ve said it before, I’ve no interest in Roblox and this isn’t helping its case. The offer ends on the 11th of December.
Oh, it is nice to see when Prime is being just as lazy as ever, it makes my job much easier. Those that enjoy the nearly 20-year-old MMO RuneScape and Old School RuneScape can now pick up a 7-day membership for the second time in this run of Prime loot. It is, like 99% of these things, another game that I’ve already made my mind up on after months of writing these things, and it isn’t aiming to change my mind either. The offer ends on the 15th of December.
I’m sure I’ve said it before; an RPG is the type of thing you should be playing on a PC or a console, not a mobile phone. Nevertheless, Black Desert Mobile does try (bless its heart) with zero effort and zero care for what actually makes an RPG fun or exciting. In the second of its current run of drops, you can now pick up the Rapid Growth chest with a refined weapon and armor black crystal (one for each), and a restoration scroll. This offer ends on the 14th of November.
Speaking of a bit of crystal and taking something to feel better, Assassin’s Creed‘s latest installment recently released its latest drug trip of imagining you are a Viking. Now you can pick up the Valhalla: Gear Pack, which is filled with the usual guff: a pretty pony, a shield, a weapon, bits for your ship, and bits for you. It is the only listing (so far) and the Carolingian Dynasty gear pack seems to be Ubisoft coughing its way over history, given that the Vikings didn’t make much of a dent on the empire compared to Britain. This offer is available until the 11th of January 2021.
Let’s move from questioning Ubisoft’s understanding of history to a whole other bit of history, by asking “Was that really a thing?” Valorant has updated once again offering the third of its useless tripe to Prime members. The new drop comes along with the F to pay respects “gun buddy” thing from the last drop (at the time of writing). The final thing in the drops is a purple clapperboard with a face on it. It is meant to resemble Twitch’s symbol for clipping a stream, in the form of what the game would call a spray. I’d assume that a thing you place in the arena shooter is just wasting your actual time. This offer ends on the 17th of December.
Only three more to go; three more after this and I never have to say “Yahtzee” ever again. Yes, the game I have a sneaky suspicion of being little more than video poker in a casino, Yahtzee with Buddies is back to giving away absolutely nothing while pretending it has value. This time players get the “Album Collector giveaway,” which requires players to be level 9 or more. It is giving away… Well, there’s not much information to give really. The information Prime provides us tells us that it is some shapes with some colors on it. This tripe goes away on the 25th of November.
There is only a few more with Yahtzee with Buddies, but I only have to cover one more after this for World of Warships and the offensively designed “Gamerz girl,” Ashley Violet. Yes, she’s still available, though much like the woman in the designer’s closet, she’s full of air. Anyway! Until the 10th of December, you can pick up the Black Friday Container. It contains the same guff as usual, and adds nothing of real value to your life. Once again, you need to be level 8 or higher to access the Black Friday Container mission to gain access to the crate.
Speaking of my lack of interest through all of this, Last Day on Earth continued to feature nothing of worth. This week you can pick up a level 3 Corgi puppy. Unless your name is Liz and you have been playing the Game of Thrones for so long you think the Channel 4 News presenter Jon Snow is coming to kill you, I don’t know why you’d want a corgi. In the apocalypse I think I’d want a Dobermann, Great Dane, German Shepherd, or something equally big and off-putting to wannabe thieves. This offer ends on the 19th of November.
As for the other weekly mobile tripe that slops out no matter much I insult it, MLB Tap Sports continues on through the rest of its dull baseball nonsense. This week you’ll be able to pick up two bonus player boxes and 400 gold, because you always believe in your souls. Am I done with the Spandau Ballet references? Yes, I know this much is true. Right, I’ve had enough of asking myself “Why do I find it hard to write the next line?” and filling out this bit about the world’s second most boring “sport.” This offer ends on the 18th of November.
Well, this is just mistimed now, isn’t it? I said the other week that I had a fleeting moment of having my interest piqued by Apex Legend‘s 7th Season. My interest was piqued as they introduced Horizon, a 30-something fiery red-head Scottish woman with a bit of anger (that’s just all Scottish women). What do you know, the first drop after Season 7’s release is Horizon… in a skeleton get-up. That’s awkward. It is like your mum forgetting Halloween was the night before. You can still pick up Lifeline’s wonderful Pastel Dreams skin until the 19th of November, though you can get Horizon’s Inverse Polarity skin until the 28th of December.
Let’s move on to the game now, and it is a strange one. It is another one not really aimed at the young’uns, but doesn’t inspire a deep desire to go and play it either. The near-future Rogue-like FPS base-building game, Genesis Alpha One (Deluxe Edition), is the botched experiment of a cartoon supervillain. By splicing three genres into one game, it makes about as much impact as a burnt up corpse re-entering the atmosphere and evaporating before hitting the ground. I guess it would be fine if you like mining and being attacked by angry space scorpions. I don’t, shockingly enough (“sarcasm”).
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