I hate cats, I love lasagna, and I hate Mondays. I guess two of our four ain’t bad if I want to be next up to play Garfield; The fourth, of course, being that I’m not ginger. Anyway, to the reason I hate Mondays, Prime Gaming, Twitch Prime, or Barry Scott’s Wonder Emporium, the last of which is entirely made up but makes about as much sense as Prime Gaming. Yes, I’m still bitter about this name change: It was fine as it was. Speaking of things changing, next week I’ll be talking about: League of LegendsValorantBig Farm: Mobile HarvestMobile Legends: Bang BangMLB Tap Sports & Last Day on Earth (like every week), Destiny 2Epic (7) SevenSmiteWorld of Tanks, and what will replace SEUM.

If we’re listing what I hate, I also hate children and their desire to have all design ruined. Just look at Roblox. It is like Polly Pocket slept with Duplo and made demon-spawn. This month’s in-game accessory of horror is a Wyrm Skeleton. No, not a Halloween costume, just a skeleton of a small crap mythical snake that clips on to the player-character. This offer ends on the 11th of November. I think the reason I hate it is the complete lack of separation between its player made “games” and something that has genuinely been worked on for years. I’m sick of seeing “mY g@YmE LE3@k” on Twitter, then of course, it is lacking complete style. My point is Minecraft CTM map makers didn’t call themselves developers, Roblox players do.

RuneScape is now on Steam, and I still won’t bother to play it either. That kind of goes with the whole, “I hate people” thing. Anyway, with your Prime subscription, you can pick up two Umbral chests and get some in-game currency. There’s not rot really much excitement in that, at least when you boil it down from the PR excretion that it is surrounded by. The offer ends on the 10th of November.

Speaking of PR and internal liquids oozing out, “Golden Glove Hardware” is the latest tripe for MLB Tap Sports. In truth, it isn’t that grand, you just get one player box and 300 in-game gold. I honestly don’t know what an MLB team would need with gold, but sure, it makes sense in the context of free-to-play trashy mobile games. As for the player box thing, if you are excited about one, just you wait until next week. This offer ends on Wednesday the 21st of October.

I found something out today about Last Day on Earth. It is currently in beta, and has been since release in 2017. Additionally, it decided to rename itself with the latest update at the end of September. If you want to get on my hitlist, that’s how to do it. Agent 47 will be around next week, he’ll be the bloke in the mask. In the meantime, you can pick up the chopper skin available in-game, which is a strange phrasing. I’m unsure if that means a livery for an in-game chopper (bike) or if it means a skin for a vehicle that will make it look like a chopper. Either way, offer ends on the 22nd of October.

When will it end? A question I keep asking myself when it comes to Yahtzee with Buddies, a game I still don’t understand after almost four months. Honestly, the phase “Prize Claw Pull Giveaway” makes less sense than the whole chopper business a moment ago. As far as my light research has found, they are tokens you would probably have to pay for to play an in-game claw machine that is as bad as loot boxes, and you’re only getting three of the bloody things. Somehow people wonder why I don’t like mobile gaming, I wonder why? This offering ends on the 29th of October.

To quote Buddy Holly, “ahh Jésus, the ground is coming up mighty fast!” Though, he also once said, “That’ll Be The Day,” which is what I thought when I’d be thank full for something free-to-play the EA published, but here we are with Apex Legends. I still wouldn’t touch the game with a ten-foot bargepole, but at least it has a style, a point, and a piece of well-made design that made it popular. This month you can pick up the Pastel Dreams skin for Lifeline, a colorful and rather personality-filled skin for such a game. I know, I’ve just praised a free-to-play EA game, am I ill? Offer ends November 19th.

The final in-game thing for this week is the rental of the Bismarck-class Tirpitz battleship in World of Warships. Yes, if you are level 8 or higher, you can have a three-day rental of an anti-air battleship that was stationed in Norway during the war. Along with the ship you “get some containers,” which is about as specific as I was going to be, so thanks Amazon! You know what they say, save the worse for last, then you know you’ll be disappointed. This offer ends on the 12th of November, and good riddance.

I did it last week, and I’ll do it again because I find it important. As I said in the Democracy 4 review, I think everyone should vote if they are of the legal age. Amazon seems to think so too, as they have teamed up with Democracy Works’ TurboVote to remind voters of when and where they are voting. It is a quick few moments to sign up, and you’ll get either emails or texts depending on your preference reminding you when and where you’ll be voting. All you are doing is having your say, this is just a gentle reminder to get out and do it. That’s all I really want of people, to have their vote.

Anyway, serious things aside. This week I’m doing a redux of what I was saying just a few weeks ago for the Epic Games Store article on Stick It To The Man. Again, I’ll repeat, I was provided a key for the game a while ago to give an opinion on it: I like it. It is a fun and, at times, dark platformer about Ray, a young man in a papercraft/sticker world with a lack of proper mental health care provisions. I highly recommend picking it up before the 13th of November when it and all of this month’s games will disappear.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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