With all the coffee in the world, I still hate Sunday evenings/Monday mornings. It is a reminder that even with great games, and even with great stories about games making people happy, there is mobile phone dreck that makes me hate this period in gaming. Next week I’ll be moaning about: RobloxRuneScapeMLB Tap Sports BaseballLast Day On Earth: SurvivalYahtzee With BuddiesApex LegendsWorld of Warships, and what replaces Bridge Constructor. Though that’s next week, let’s get to what has been added to Prime Gaming over the last several days.

Farmville might be dead in the ground, but the half animated corpse of its mobile offspring goes on. Big Farm: Mobile Harvest has once again fought back against Yahtzee with Buddies on tripe that no one really wants or needs. This week, you can pick up: “profile picture ‘kittens’.” What a crock, a bloody profile picture for your subscription, I’d rather chuck the money down the drain at that point. If you want to skip this one, you’ll be waiting until the 19th of October for the next drop for Big Farm: Mobile Harvest.

Going on with mobile gaming and what makes me keep calling Mobile Harvest “Mobile Legends,” Mobile Legends: Bang Bang has once again updated. Again, I am left out in the dark on this one, as I often am. “Amazon Prime Chest + Hero and Skin Trial Cards” is all the information Amazon like to provide, so I can only assume it is all up in the air what you’ll get… or someone was lazy. Either way, if you enjoy the arena battler I’m profoundly confused by every fortnight, you’ll want to pick up this drop before the 20th of October.

Speaking of popularity, I’ll never understand Ubisoft’s Hyper Scape, which I also misname “Hyper Space” in my head every time I need to talk about it. Either way, the battle royale sponsored by the color grey is now into its second season as you can now get two skins, some emotes, and several gun designs with only flecks of color to them. There could be lots of large breasted ladies of the night in Hyper Scape, and I still wouldn’t be interested in a battle royale with the color grey as its theme. If you’re one of the several people still playing it, you’ll be able to pick up the second season pass until the 23rd of November. Oh, Doctor Who‘s birthday and JFK’s assassination!

Back to the mobile guff that I’ll never understand, so don’t try! Epic Seven, or Epic 7, or  Epic 7 Seven as Amazon lists it. The loot continues on for only select regions and continues to confuse me where the interest comes from. Anime by the way of goth, I mean I like Death Note but that’s because I want a book to write some names in. Anyway, whatever it is called has updated again and is giving away 20 “Liefs,” which I assume is a currency but it is a crap one since they grow on trees. You’ll have until the 21st to pick them up, otherwise, you’ll be picking them off the trees yourself.

League of Legends is another game genre-thing I don’t understand that perpetrates these loot box mechanics. I wouldn’t mess about on this one, you can now get a second skin shard for a collection of three to get a skin permanently. The third will drop on the 19th of October for those that are really interested in a game I cannot stand to watch 2-minutes of.

Baseball, another game I can’t stand to watch more than a few minutes of without falling sleep; Too bad the coffee is now wearing off. MLB Tap Sports Baseball looks like the world’s most boring game of rounders filtered through spreadsheets and microtransactions. Nonetheless, you can currently pick up the Dingers for Days bundle. It contains 1 bonus player box (loot box?) and 10 daily Dingers tickers. I couldn’t tell you if I just swore in Klingon or not, but you’ll have until the 14th of October to cash in this one.

Last Day On Earth: Survival, what I call Sundays where I work on everything for the coming week. It is another one of those weekly drops that drags on and on, and I hate it. However, I wouldn’t mind a husky puppy, I don’t care if it is rank three or not, that little sod deserves all the tennis balls to chase. Yes, this week you can pick up a rank III husky for Last Day On Earth: Survival if you are playing it (which I personally don’t recommend). You have until the 15th to get the dog, I repeat you have until the 15th… go soldier, go! Did anyone else just have flashbacks?

The final thing before I get to the games, Amazon and Twitch have teamed up with Democracy Works’ TurboVote to remind US citizens to register and vote in their elections. It is just a quick sign up. You can give your phone number to receive texts or email address for emails, and you’ll be asked if you are registered. After that, you’ll be asked the usual location information, and from there, TurboVote will inform you of either what you need to do to register or when you’ll be voting for your area. I’ll have a review on Democracy 4 later today, in short: If you can vote, do so.

Let’s move away from what will get me called names on Twitter for telling people to vote. Let’s get into the games for this past week, and I do mean games, plural. The first one is one that I have indeed been looking at for some time, though never heard anything good or bad from those I often do listen to. Kona is a survival adventure game set in Canada in the 70s, and you play a detective. Really it is a horror-type game where the worst that’s going to jump out at you are the past memories of your dead partner and a couple of wolves. Interesting, I might play this one when I’m not reviewing anything else.

Those of you that have been around a while will know Deadlight from last October’s Prime lineup, a grim horror platforming thing on a 2.5D plane with lots of zombies. Now, I’m not saying zombies are overdone, but when The Walking Dead is ending yet continues through crap teen drama spin-offs, it might be time to retire the concept for a while. I feel like it is a bit like rogue-lite/likes and battle royales, give it a break and we can come back with fresh eyes. Nonetheless, Kona and Deadlight: Director’s Cut are both available until the 6th.

Quickly before I go and look at the bile in my Twitter mentions, I want to bring up an apparent change in how Twitch/Prime are doing the monthly games. Currently, the five from the start of October are now being listed as ending on the 13th of November. I’ve no idea if this is another Rockstar-style bug or issue where things are listed as “Offer ends 22[th] Aug.” We’ll just have to see.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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