I’m a huge Christmas freak, so I might be the only one celebrating today. It’s four months to Christmas! We’re nearing closer to the Ber Months: September, October, November, and December. For me, this time of year is a great opportunity to focus on self-care, staying cozy, and gearing up for a season of gratitude and giving. That said, this holiday season is going to be a bit different because of COVID-19. It’s also a new console holiday season, but we have literally no information about a release or pricing.
I assumed Xbox would play chicken with Sony regarding pricing and release dates. News broke last week that the Xbox Series X will release in November, so we at least know we’re getting closer. After Halo Infinite’s delay, however, I’m sure there’s no rush to reveal the price or date. Honestly, given the year we’re all having, who’s buying an Xbox Series X at launch? I’d consider myself Phenixx Gaming’s resident Xbox fanboy, but I’m even skipping this console launch. Check-in with me again in 2022.
September is likely going to be a huge month for both companies. We’re seeing little details about UIs and controller capabilities come out day-to-day. At some point, both companies are just going to have to announce pricing. We’re likely going to say they’re too expensive. Then, the companies will talk about how expensive it is to make next-gen tech. We’ve done this song and dance before. The big difference this year: a global pandemic.
I have no predictions for this holiday console launch, other than many people are not going to have an extra $500 to shell out for a new console. Sales will still occur, but it’s not going to be a mad dash to stores. Four months away from Christmas, I’m much more concerned about my family’s health and safety than new games. Maybe others feel the same or they’re inversely looking forward to a new outlet for their stress and anxiety.
Hopefully, however you’re feeling about the new console cycle, you’re staying safe. No matter how far away you are from friends or family this year, we’re all part of the gaming family, and that feels pretty good when things seem a little low.
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