Usually, it is Dark Souls that brings existential dread. Yet doing these every week with the ever prevailing free-to-play, mobile, and battle royale nonsense, I hate Mondays. I’ll hate next Monday as I’ll have to talk about Epic SevenBig Farm: Mobile HarvestMobile Legends: Bang BangDestiny 2FIFA 20World of Tanks, and Dungeon Rushers. This week it is a bit slim on Twitch Prime nonsense, as only last week we covered all that was available at the time and throughout the month. 

Let’s begin, like we always do, with the tripe that is available for free-to-play nonsense and otherwise. Starting with League of Legends, no my dream last night didn’t come true and Riot Games didn’t start making something interesting. For about a week, now you’ve been able to pick up two mystery skin shards for PC centric MOBA, refreshing the loot once again. Over the next several weeks you’ll be able to pick up a total of a possible 6 skin shards. The current offer of two is only available until the 17th of August, with presumably another two for the following two weeks, followed by the same again totaling 6 shards.

Remember The Simpsons Tap Out? If that was medieval it would be King of Avalon, a dreadful experience of resources grinding with little to no responsiveness in gameplay, or gameplay at all. Anyway, this week you can get 200 gold, 100 5-minute training speedups, 20 60-minute training speedups, 10 wishing gems, 5 of something called “march speed 1,” 5 12-hour march capacity boosts, 5 12-hour fierce attacks, 5 12-hour solid defenses, and 1 sakura dream castle skin trial (7-days). This offer of random guff ends on the 19th of August.

Continuing with mobile nonsense, Black Desert Mobile is something else I’ll never understand. Nonetheless, the latest loot box has updated. The growth support chest includes a Lightstone fragment, an alchemy stone fragment, a relic fragment, an ancient gold coin, and one tier 1 pet chest. This offer, the third from last, ends on the 18th of August for all those playing Black Desert Mobile.

As my nightmare goes on, Yahtzee with Buddies players will be annoyed that I still don’t know why they are excited with the latest loot. The third of a total nine, this week players can pick up the “Explore the Adventure Giveaway.” Last I knew Yahtzee was a game where you roll some dice, try to repress that “joke” in poor taste of gay men from Family Guy, and pretend you are having fun. It would be nice if Amazon /Twitch would explain what these giveaways were and not just tell us it ends on the 20th of August.

As I said, it is a bit slim this week, but the same could be said for the “Free Game with Prime” for this week. Trüberbrook is a point and click sci-fi thriller adventure set in a mismatch of European backgrounds in a parallel universe. You play as an American bumbling around the very pretty backdrops doing as all point and click adventure game protagonists do: Try to remove a cat from a tree by setting fire to the pensioners under it, or something like that. It is another game for this month that isn’t setting any fires in anyone’s underpants, aside from OAPs.

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Keiran McEwen

Keiran Mcewen is a proficient musician, writer, and games journalist. With almost twenty years of gaming behind him, he holds an encyclopedia-like knowledge of over games, tv, music, and movies.

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