Warning: The following review contains spoilers for The Orville episode “A Happy Refrain”

Another week and another episode of The Orville. We’re almost at the halfway point for the season and I can’t help but wonder how the series is going to surprise me next. I was pleasantly surprised by the introduction of Talla, the new Chief Security Officer. I just hope we get to see more of her backstory soon. This week’s episode focuses on a different crew member though, and I am very excited about that.

To recap last week’s episode, the Orville crew made first contact with a new civilization. They quickly discovered that their civilization ran entirely on Astrology and Bortus and Kelly were incarcerated for being born under the wrong sign. We also got to meet Talla Keyali, the new Chief Security Officer on the Orville. Everything was resolved and now the Orville moves on to a new adventure.

Episode Spoilers Begin Here!

“A Happy Refrain” begins with Claire in her office, calling to ask Isaac for his help. She is writing a paper and needs his expertise on the tech side of things. After Isaac agrees to come aid her, Bortus enters and asks for a peculiar favor. Gordon told Bortus he would look “pretty good” with a mustache, so he wants Claire’s help to grow one since Moclans don’t grow facial hair naturally. It is an odd request, but Claire agrees to assist.

She runs a follicle stimulator over his upper lip and tells him that his mustache should grow within the hour. I’m a little surprised that Moclans can even stimulate follicles, since as far as I can tell they have no hair at all. However, this seems like an amusing thing to work on. What could go wrong? Will the mustache make Bortus evil? Will it become sentient? Maybe I’ve watched too many parody films.

Isaac arrives just as Bortus is leaving and brings Claire a banana. He tells her that he has noticed she becomes “Cantankerous” (cranky) after 4 PM if she hasn’t eaten, so he brought the banana for her to snack on. Isaac helps revise the paper she is working on and after she thanks him, he comments that she changed her hairstyle, something no one else noticed.

She explains that she just felt like a change in hairstyle and Isaac leaves her to do her work. There is definitely some budding relationship tension on Claire’s end and perhaps there will be more between them to come.

Next, we see Bortus arrive on the bridge with a mustache. I have to call myself out here for a moment. I had to stop the episode and laugh for a good five minutes because of how ridiculous Bortus looks with the mustache. Talla is the first to comment and is confused. Kelly comments on it and then they all figure out that Gordon suggested it. Gordon, to his credit, is pleased by this development and thinks Bortus looks great.

Claire comes up to the bridge to deliver a medical report to Kelly and reminds everyone that Ty has a piano recital that evening. She also praises Isaac’s skills as Ty’s teacher, to which Isaac points out that Ty has a “high musical aptitude for a biological lifeform.” At the said recital, many members of the crew are there to support Ty. He knocks it out of the park and makes a fantastic performance.

At the afterparty, Claire goes to thank Isaac and asks why he is standing off by himself. He tells her that it is easier to observe human/biological organisms’ behavior that way. Claire then asks if it is all about observing for him and he reminds her that it is his primary directive. She tells him that there’s got to be some part of it that he enjoys and encourages him to sit while she has a drink since he has no mouth to drink himself.

Claire tells Isaac that Ty really enjoys the time he spends with Isaac, and tells him that even though Isaac isn’t an emotional life form because he is synthetic, Ty is really attached to him. Isaac responds by saying that Claire should be very proud of Ty and that he has an above-average focus for a human of his age. Next, we see Claire visiting Kelly in her office, wanting her advice.

It is an interesting shift, seeing Claire ask for advice for once, rather than the other way around. Claire explains that she has a dilemma she needs to talk about but Kelly is the only one she could think of to ask. She tells Kelly that she feels like she is growing feelings for a member of the crew (Isaac, obviously) to which Kelly asks if Claire wonders if it would be appropriate.

Kelly then reassures her that her judgment is usually very solid. She also points out that she is currently in a relationship with Cassius, not to mention her long-standing history with Ed. When Kelly asks who this crew member is, Claire tells her that it is Isaac. This prompts her to go against her usual “no wine during work hours” rule, using the food materializer to make them both a glass of wine.

Claire explains that she believes these feelings have been brewing since the shuttle crash in season 1. Kelly points out that Isaac is incapable of emotional attachment (or emotions in general) and Claire responds that she is aware of that. However, when Claire is with him, she feels a warmth from him that she doesn’t notice with anyone else.

After a little more discussion, Kelly tells Claire that if Gordon or Yahphit had come to her with something like this, she’d have some reservations. However, Claire is one of the most responsible people she knows, so if Claire feels something, then there must be something there. Kelly then asks what a lot of us were wondering. Can Kaylon men/organisms even have sex?

Claire answers that she hasn’t even thought that far and is only focused on the emotional side of things. Kelly tells her that she thinks she should go for it. However, she also needs to be careful and make sure that she doesn’t wind up getting hurt in the process. Claire then finds Isaac working in one of the labs and asks him out on a date.

She invites him to the symphony on Friday and he agrees, citing that it would “provide substantial data on human behavior.” It is a good sign, especially since the audience has seen Isaac grow over time to become at least marginally more human. Interestingly enough, we see Isaac go to John for guidance on his upcoming date with Claire.

John asks who the “Lucky lady, fella… or object?” is that Isaac is going on a date with and Isaac surprises him, Yahphit, and Gordon by revealing that he is going on a date with Claire. John tells him to dress nice, in something that is comfortable but classic. He also suggests picking Claire up for the date and bringing flowers.

John and Gordon then race to the bridge to tell Kelly and Ed that Isaac and Claire are dating. Ed is confused, but Talla points out that since she got on board they’ve seemed pretty close. Kelly responds that Claire confided in her about it, so she knew already. Bortus is skeptical since “a human and an artificial life-form are incompatible.” To be honest, he isn’t entirely wrong, but I love the fact that The Orville is tacking this concept anyway.

Talla points out that Bortus doesn’t know for certain that it won’t end well, they could be in love. Ed suggests that it isn’t entirely that simple, since Isaac has limitations. Before he can elaborate though, Isaac returns to the bridge, thereby interrupting his train of thought.

Friday night comes and Claire is all dolled up when Isaac arrives for their date. I want to just take a moment and mention that Penny Johnson Jerald is a beautiful woman, and as someone who watched her on Castle, the costume department at ABC did her no favors. I’m glad that The Orville’s costuming department does such a good job of accentuating her beauty without sexualizing her too heavily.

I would say that is a credit for all the characters though. The costuming is always top-notch, not to mention the special effects, hair, and makeup. Anyhow, when Claire opens the door, Isaac is dressed in a simple shirt and pants (when he normally wears nothing) and has a bouquet of flowers for her.

On their way to the Symphony, there is a little bit of confusion when Claire admits she’s nervous. She explains that this is brand new and it’s a little scary, but in a good way. Isaac interprets it differently and suggests she go home, but Claire clarifies things before they continue on.

At the symphony performance, we see a conversation between Klyden and Bortus. Klyden isn’t fond of the mustache and asks that Bortus remove it. He cites that he doesn’t like the way it feels when they kiss and that there were bits of food in it the night before. Their son on the other hand likes the mustache, which makes me wonder if Bortus would cause a fashion trend back on Moclus.

We then see the symphony perform. However, it does beg a question. Have no instruments been invented since the 21st century? I’m seeing harps, violins, and other orchestral instruments but no Sci-Fi instruments. Granted, that probably was just easier to film with traditional instruments, so maybe I’m digging a little too deep here.

The symphony performs “Singing in the Rain” and it leads pleasantly into dinner with Claire and Isaac, where she mentions that one of the things she misses about Earth is the rain. Isaac points out that in his research most humans dislike the rain. Claire tells him that she used to sit on her porch before a thunderstorm and watch it roll in.

Isaac comments that the simulator would be great to duplicate such things. She tells him that it isn’t the same. The smell of the rain is always wrong in her experience. However, we discover that Isaac used the simulator to duplicate her favorite restaurant on Earth. Things quickly devolve though, when Claire discovers that Isaac downloaded every bit of information on her he could find, to be more efficient.

Claire explains that a first date isn’t as exciting if you aren’t getting to know someone for the first time. She asks Isaac about his mission for Kaylon-1, and Isaac explains that “Kaylon Primary” their leader, will let him know when all the data he has acquired is sufficient for them to make a decision. Afterward, they will decide whether or not to join the union.

After their date, Isaac walks Claire back to her room and asks if she’s up for another date. She tells him that she’s tired, but she would be interested in another date in a few days’ time. Then, she kisses him goodnight and slips into her room. The next day, Isaac reports to the bridge, only for Gordon to ask how the date went.

He explains their date and mentions that there is one thing he’s been having trouble with. Claire wants him to be more spontaneous and he doesn’t quite understand what she means. So, the crew then begins to give him examples, instructing him to surprise Claire with romantic gestures.

Kelly then pays a visit to Claire in the infirmary to get her side of the story, coming in at the tail end of Talla’s physical. She asks how the night went and Claire explains that she isn’t sure. Claire feels that Isaac was too prepared, which Talla reminds her is likely because he’s a machine. Talla then points out an upside, Isaac doesn’t eat.

In all of Talla’s relationships, she gains weight, and Kelly points out that a portion of most relationships is figuring out what to eat when they go out. Claire is still uncertain, but she is surprised at 3 AM by Isaac, who wishes to take her on a date. Claire refuses and tells him that all of this is just data to him, so they should just return to the way things were. She also points out that she can’t even kiss him.

Isaac then crashes a date with John and his new girlfriend. He wants to observe the date because Claire breaking things off is a problem in his understanding of dating. John asks what Claire said specifically and then comes up with an idea. Isaac sends an invitation to Claire to meet at Simulator 2 that evening, and when she arrives, he shows her a simulated human form of himself.

He explains that this simulation would allow them to kiss, and he tells her that he deleted all the information he downloaded, so he can get to know her properly this time. They start talking about Claire’s hometown of Baltimore, Maryland. Claire talks about her love of the rain again, and then Isaac receives his first kiss.

I have to say, there is something so unbelievably cute about this scene, seeing Isaac experience these things for the first time, and watching a romance of sorts bloom. It is a credit to the writing team and to the actors, managing to pull this off in a believable way. It is also safe to say that after this date, Isaac is not a virgin anymore. I don’t know how simulated bits work, but apparently they figured it out.

The next day, Claire, Talla, and Kelly sit down for girl talk, where Claire gushes about the night before. Claire admits that she thinks she’s in love with Isaac. Then we get to see the stark difference between her view of the night and Isaac’s. Granted, this could be a commentary on the difference between “guy talk” and “girl talk” but it is especially bleak since Isaac asks John how to break up with Claire.

He explains that the experiment is “complete” and that he doesn’t need any further information. John suggests that he make himself really unappealing so that Claire breaks up with him instead. John’s suggestion is that he wears underwear, demand dinner, and generally be a slob. This is ridiculous since A) he doesn’t need clothes, B) he doesn’t eat, and C) he’s a machine.

After he proceeds to insult her a few times, Claire throws him out. Claire figures out that he’s trying to get her to break up with him, and when she asks why Isaac explains that the full relationship experience is complete. Isaac just ripped her heart out in the worst way imaginable and he doesn’t even realize it.

When he goes to the bridge, everyone on the crew is upset with him for hurting Claire. They make snide comments and it is clear Isaac starts noticing that he has done wrong. Claire is drowning her sorrows at a simulated bar when Yahphit arrives. He is in a simulated human form, trying to keep her company. He tries to cheer her up, but he’s the last person she wants to see.

Isaac then discovers that Claire has given Ty a new piano teacher. She explains to Isaac that they may work together, but she doesn’t want him in her life. She wants to minimize contact with him as much as possible. We then start to see that this is affecting Isaac too. He makes an error in calculating the orbital velocity of a star and leaves to do a diagnostic on himself.

Ed goes to check on him and when he asks what the diagnostic came up with, Isaac explains with a long drawn out explanation. In truth, he has grown accustomed to interacting with Claire and her absence is hard for him. Ed thinks that Isaac might be the first synthetic to fall in love and suggests a solution. He suggests that Isaac apologize and try to win Claire back, and tells Isaac to be creative.

Back on the bridge, Bortus has shaved his mustache and tells Talla that he did so because Klyden didn’t like it. Talla says that he looks better this way and is supportive of the change. The Orville flies away from the stars they were scanning. Claire then arrives on the bridge, citing that Ed called for her. Ed mentions that he didn’t and she clarifies that someone on the bridge did.

Isaac then makes his grand, romantic gesture. He starts playing “Singing in the Rain” and then makes it rain on the bridge via a simulation. He apologizes and tells her he wants to have a long-term relationship. She points out that the relationship has to mean everything to both of them, and Isaac tells her he is willing to make the commitment. The episode ends with Claire and Isaac going to the simulator for another date night, with Isaac in his human form.

This was quite possibly my favorite episode of The Orville in the season so far, if not the favorite for the series as a whole. It is strange to be rooting for such an oddball pairing, but maybe that’s why I like it so much. Seeing Isaac become more human and seeing Claire build a relationship with him is a truly special thing. I have no doubt that this will be a problem for Isaac’s people, they’ll likely see him as defective. However, maybe that’s a good thing.

In any case, I have to applaud the writers and crew of The Orville for making such a fantastic episode. I love character-focused episodes like these as much as I love the action-oriented ones. There was so much humor in the episode and none of it was made at the expense of anyone else.

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The Orville





  • Fantastic Humor
  • Isaac and Claire are Cute Together
  • Great Costuming
  • Well-Written Romance Plot
  • Bortus with a Mustache

Alexx Aplin

Alexx has been writing about video games for almost 10 years, and has seen most of the good, bad and ugly of the industry. After spending most of the past decade writing for other people, he decided to band together with a few others, to create a diverse place that will create content for gaming enthusiasts, by gaming enthusiasts.

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